The meeting further allowed the public to submit both verbal
and written comments to the district from anyone wishing to make comments on
the draft Environmental Assessment to the commander.
“The reason the Corps is here is to further engage the
public in our review of the City’s proposed event,” said Los Angeles District
commander, Col. Kirk Gibbs. “You have an important role in the Corps’ National
Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA, process,” Gibbs told the audience.
On April 27 the District commander extended the public
comment period for the draft Environmental Assessment on the proposed event, at
the city's request to reflect a rescheduling of the event to October 2017.
The draft Environmental Assessment contains a detailed
analysis of the potential impacts from the proposed event on a variety of
resources, including wildlife, noise, recreation, traffic, air quality and
public safety.
“Because Corps’ approval is required for this event, my
staff worked with the city to prepare the EA to evaluate the impacts associated
with the Corps approval of this event,” said Gibbs.
The meeting further provided the opportunity for speakers
from the city’s Department of Recreation and Parks and the event’s organizer
“The Make Good Group” to present their planning strategies and responsibilities
in organizing the event.
More than 250 people attended the meeting and more than 70
people provided their verbal comments which were recorded, as well as written
comments for the record. The Corps will consider the official comments as part
of the NEPA process.
The Corps will review the city’s request in light of the
Sepulveda Basin’s primary purpose of flood risk management and applicable
federal laws and Corps regulations and policies in assessing whether the
proposed event is a compatible use with Corps operations and land use
guidelines/policies, and whether it is in the public interest.
The Sepulveda Dam and Basin is a federally authorized flood
risk management project constructed, operated and maintained by the Corps’ Los
Angeles District, with a primary purpose to provide flood risk management for
the residents of Los Angeles County residing downstream of the dam.
The Corps is authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1944 to
grant leases of lands, including structures or amenities that are suitable for
public parks and recreation purposes, to federal, state or local government
agencies when such action is determined to be in the public interest.
The City of Los Angeles holds a lease from the Corps. Lands
in Sepulveda Basin are leased to the City for public parks and recreation
purposes. In accordance with the lease, the city is required to obtain written
approval from the District Engineer for any event on park lands that more than
1,000 people are expected to attend.
The public comment period will officially run until May 27.
The public is invited to provide comments on the draft Environmental Assessment
A copy of the draft Environmental Assessment is available on the District's
website at