Public Notices

A public notice is the primary method for advising all interested parties of a proposed activity for which a permit is sought. Soliciting comments and information necessary to evaluate the probable impacts on the public interest. Public notices are also published to inform the public about new or proposed regulations, policies, guidance or permit procedures.  

Public Notices published by the Los Angeles District are posted on these three pages. There are two types of Public Notices; Regulatory and Project Public Notices. Comments are due by the expiration date of the public notice. 

Only comments submitted by email or in hard copy format through a delivery service, such as the U.S. Postal Service, can be accepted.   Comments must be submitted to the address listed in the public notice.

Public Notice Manager

Tag: Caltrans
  • 408-SPL-2024-0010

    Expiration date: 6/26/2024

    Section 408 permit application from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), through the Santa Barbara County Flood Control District (SBCFCD), has requested permission from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to alter Santa Maria River, a USACE federally authorized Civil Works project (USACE project), in Santa Barbara County, California. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Caltrans in May 2020 published an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Proposed Project and issued a FONSI on November 25, 2020. On December 14, 2023, Caltrans published a Re-validation. The USACE independently reviewed the 2020 EA and the 2023 Re-validation, and determined the EA and Re-validation sufficiently identify and evaluate the environmental impacts related to the Section 408 Activity. Therefore, in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 1506.3(c), USACE’s NEPA regulations at 33 C.F.R. Part 230, and EC 1165-2-220, the USACE adopted Caltrans’s EA and finalized a FONSI for this Section 408 project no. 408-SPL-2024-0010 associated with the State Route 91 Northbound Improvement Project.

  • 408-SPL-2024-0016

    Expiration date: 6/25/2024

    Section 408 permit application from the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), through the Orange County Flood Control District (OCFCD)/Orange County Public Works (OCPW), has requested permission from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to alter Santa Ana River, a feature for flood control in the Santa Ana River Basin (USACE project), in Orange County, California. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in March 2019 published an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Proposed Project and issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on March 29, 2019. The USACE independently reviewed the EA and determined the EA sufficiently identifies and evaluates the environmental impacts related to the Section 408 Activity. Therefore, in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 1506.3(c), USACE’s NEPA regulations at 33 C.F.R. Part 230, and EC 1165-2-220, the USACE adopted Caltrans’s EA and finalized a FONSI for this Section 408 project no. 408-SPL-2024-0016 associated with the State Route 57 Northbound Improvement Project.

  • SPL-2021-04-14-NLH State Route 71/91 Interchange Improvement Proj

    A Supplemental Environmental Assessment has been prepared for use by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to supplement the EA that was prepared for the previously approved State Route 71/ SR 91 Interchange Improvement Project in 2014.

  • SPL-2015-00360-VN

    The City of Chino, in coordination with the California Department of Transportation, proposes to extend Pine Avenue from SR-71 eastward to El Prado Road as an urban four-lane arterial roadway.