The Goffs Campsite – Rifle and Pistol Ranges Formerly Used Defense Site, or FUDS, is located 2 miles south of Goffs, California, and east of Mountain Springs Road. The 52-acre site is owned and managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The land is undeveloped desert and is used for livestock grazing. Land use is not expected to change in the near future.
Goffs Campsite was established in 1942 as part of the Desert Training Center. The Rifle and Pistol Ranges were approximately 100 yards wide with 100-, 200-, 300- and 500-yard firing lines. The entire camp was closed in 1944.
During a 1998 site visit, the Army Corps of Engineers located a target berm within the project boundary and identified small arms projectiles behind the target berm. Along the firing lines, munitions debris in the form of general small arms was also identified. While conducting the 2008 Site Inspection, the field team observed earthen berms and discovered small arms casing and projectiles. Upon further analysis of the site inspections, the Army Corps of Engineers determined there were no unacceptable risks to human or ecological receptors at the site.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed the Decision Document for the Goffs Campsite – Rifle and Pistol Ranges in August 2018. The document records a No Action remedial alternative, which was based on previous investigations and site analysis.
An administrative record containing project documents including the Decision Document is available at the Needles Public Library, 1111 Bailey Ave, Needles, CA 92363. Project documents may also be obtained by contacting the Los Angeles District FUDS Program at the phone number provided below.