FUDS Program Links


Safety is a Priority

3Rs logo

Follow the 3Rs of Explosives Safety
if you suspect you may have come
across a military munition.
Recognize – when you may have
encountered a munition and that
munitions are dangerous.
Retreat – do not approach, touch,
move or disturb it, but carefully leave
the area.
Report – call 911 and advise the police
of what you saw and where you saw it.

Camarillo Airport - OB/OD Range

The Camarillo Airport Formerly Used Defense Site, or FUDS, is located within the city limits of Camarillo, in Ventura County, California, approximately 35 miles northwest of Los Angeles. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is investigating and monitoring the former Air Force base through the FUDS Program for munitions and explosive hazards that may remain from previous military activities. This page provides information on the Open Burn/Open Detonation Range, or OB/OD Range project, which is part of the Camarillo Airport FUDS.

The OB/OD Range project comprises 384 acres and is located in the western portion of the Camarillo Airport property. The range was used to store and destroy military munitions, such as rockets, flares, dynamite, and commercial and other explosives. A heavy earth-moving equipment operator school conducts training in the project area, which has resulted in the ground having been excavated, moved, dumped and leveled repeatedly over the years.

USACE began investigating the OB/OD Range project in 1994 for the potential presence of munitions and explosives of concern. Site visits identified munitions debris within the OB/OD Range project area, and based on these findings USACE, recommended that a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study be conducted to determine if additional munitions clearance activities are required.


Contact Information

For more information about the Camarillo Airport - OB/OD Range project, please call the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District Public Affairs Office at 213-452-3921.

To learn more about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ FUDS Program, please click here.