The former Camp San Luis Obispo is located five miles northwest of the city of
San Luis Obispo, California. The Army Corps of Engineers is investigating and
monitoring the former camp through the Formerly Used Defense Sites, or FUDS, Program for munitions and explosive hazards that may remain from previous military training activities. This page provides information on the Rifle Grenade Range (1952), which is part of the former Camp San Luis Obispo FUDS.
The Rifle Grenade Range comprises 26 acres and is located along the western edge of the FUDS property on land that is currently managed by the California Fish and Wildlife Service and California Polytechnic State University. The U.S. Army used the area for weapons training, reportedly as a Carbine Grenade and Bazooka Range.
Investigations of the former Camp San Luis Obispo as a FUDS property began in 1986. During a review of historical records in 2007, the Army Corps of Engineers documented the Rifle Grenade Range (1952) as an area that had not previously been identified as a project.
Following this review, the Army Corps of Engineers included the Rifle Grenade Range as part of the 2007 Site Inspection in order to determine whether the range warranted further investigation. The site team identified rockets and practice rockets as the munitions and explosives of concern. Most of the munitions were observed near an armored tank, which had been used as a target. Based on the Site Inspection findings, the Rifle Grenade Range was added as a project at the Camp San Luis Obispo FUDS.
The Army Corps of Engineers continues to investigate the Rifle Grenade Range and is planning Remedial Investigation fieldwork to determine if additional clearance activities are required.