The Goffs Campsite – Goffs Butte Ordnance and Explosives Disposal Areas Formerly Used Defense Site, or FUDS, is located 2 miles south of Goffs, California. The site is owned and managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The land is undeveloped desert and is used for livestock grazing. Land use is not expected to change in the near future.
The Goffs Butte OE Disposal Areas project comprises approximately 662 acres and consisted of ordnance burial pits located on the west and south sides of Goffs Butte. Munitions associated with the Goffs Butte OE Disposal Areas include small arms ammunition, large caliber projectiles, high explosive and practice mortars, grenades, rockets, signals and land mines. In 1980, the Fort Irwin Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit removed approximately 80 tons of munitions items from the site.
During site visits in 1998 and 2008, field teams identified ammunition, anti-tank mines, rifle grenades and munitions debris. One munitions and explosives of concern, a ground signal illumination flare, was also identified and disposed of by the Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit from Twentynine Palms Marine Base.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed the Decision Document for the Goffs Butte OE Disposal Area in August 2018. The document records Hazard Notification with Educational Awareness as the selected remedial alternative.
An administrative record containing project documents including the Decision Document is available at the Needles Public Library, 1111 Bailey Ave, Needles, CA 92363. Project documents may also be obtained by contacting the Los Angeles District FUDS Program at the phone number provided below.