Mojave River Dam

Built in 1971, the Mojave River Dam was designed and constructed consistent with the standards of the day. It continues to operate as it was designed and reduces risk for more than 16,000 people and $1.5 billion in property.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is in the process of revising the Mojave River Dam Master Plan. The master plan revision will guide the land and recreational management of the federally owned property that make up the its flood storage area for the next 25 years. Management activities include protecting natural and cultural resources, providing public land and water recreation, protecting the public, and ensuring reservoir and dam operations. 

To add your comments, ideas, or concerns about the future land and recreational management for Mojave River Dam, please submit comments using any of the following methods:

• fill out and submit a comment form available below
• provide comments in an email message and send to:
• provide comments in a letter and mail to:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Los Angeles District Operations Division
Attn: Mojave River Dam Master Plan Project Manager
645 Durfee Ave, Bldg. #2
South El Monte, CA 91733

The Master Planning Process

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