Click below to view results for each of the following from the San Diego Creek Watershed SAMP Riparian Ecosystem Restoration Plan (2004):
- Baseline Ecosystem Integrity
- Increase in Functions Following Restoration
- Watershed Factors
Increase in Functions Following Restoration:
- Increase in Habitat Integrity Following Restoration
- Increase in Hydrologic Integrity Following Restoration
- Increase in Water Quality Integrity Following Restoration
Watershed Factors:
- Geomorphic Zones of the Watershed: Five geomorphic zones were identified for each riparian reach based on topographic maps, the maps and descriptions provided in the county soil survey, and geologic maps and reports on Orange County and the region.
- Level of Restoration Effort: Level of effort was intended to serve as tool for planners based on the assumption that limited resources or potential sites would be available for restoration, or limited potential sites available to offset certain types of impacts. The level of restoration effort for each riparian reach was assigned using aerial photography, baseline assessment data, knowledge of each riparian reach acquired during baseline assessment field sampling, and field verification.
- Restoration Templates: Restoration templates were developed to represent the best possible restoration target, given the potential natural patterns expected for the Geomorphic Zone. These templates were developed by analyzing 50 riparian reach segments to establish specific restoration criteria in terms of channel cross section and form, the scale of terraces present, and characteristic vegetation types.
These results are presented in the below: