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El Nino Update

The Corps restored access for cyclists, equestrians and pedestrians June 15 by removing some of the temporary protective barriers that were placed along the most vulnerable reaches of the Los Angeles River. These barriers were placed as an interim risk reduction measure due to the reduced capacity in these sections from accumulated sediment and vegetation (see news release).

As capacity is restored in the channel from our operations and maintenance activities, we will continue to remove additional temporary barriers.

Flood control structures reduce risk, but they don’t eliminate it. We want those who rely on flood control structures to know their risk, know their role and take appropriate action to reduce their flood risk through prudent evacuation planning and by obtaining flood insurance.


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Expand List item 16489Collapse List item 16489  Why is the Corps involved in navigation?

The Rivers and Harbors Act of 1937, 1945 authorizes the Corps' navigation mission to provide safe, reliable, efficient, effective, and environmentally sustainable waterborne transportation systems (i.e. channels, harbors, and waterways) for movement of commerce, national security needs and recreation. Responsibilities include planning and constructing new navigation channels, ports, and harbors, and maintaining channel depths along coastal channels, ports, and harbors.

Expand List item 16490Collapse List item 16490  What value does the Corps' navigation mission provide?

The navigation program is vital to the nation’s economy. Our nation’s coastal transportation system encompasses a network of navigable channels, ports, harbors, and infrastructure maintained by the Corps, as well as publicly and privately owned vessels, terminals, inter-modal connections, shipyards, and repair facilities. Coastal navigation is a key element of state and local government economic development and job-creation efforts, and is essential in maintaining economic competitiveness and national security.

Expand List item 16491Collapse List item 16491  What is the cost of maintenance dredging at Oceanside Harbor?

The cost of maintaining the harbor is split 50% with the U.S. Marine Corps to support their activities at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. The estimated cost of annual dredging is approximately $2.5 million.