Regional General Permits

Regional General Permits are not available for immediate use without contacting a representative of the Corps for specific project authorization. Many RGPs still require outside agency coordination and submittal of required information.  For information on whom to contact in your area, contact us by phone at 213-452-3897 or by email at

RGP Listing

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Expand List item 32453Collapse List item 32453   10-Wildfire Mitigation Activities (CA)

This RGP authorizes discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands, and/or structures or work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States for the purpose of wildfire mitigation, such as prevention, protection, response, clean-up, and recovery from wildfires in the State of California. RGP 10 was issued on August 7, 2023 and expires on August 7, 2028.

RGP 10-Wildfire Mitigation Activities

Section 401 Water Quality Certifications for RGP 10:

Expand List item 2577Collapse List item 2577   22-Colorado River Backwater

RGP 22 authorizes restoration of valuable backwater areas along the Colorado River as wetland habitats. RGP 22 was reissued June 14, 2022 and expires June 3, 2027.

RGP 22 Colorado River Backwater

Expand List item 32624Collapse List item 32624   23-State of California Middle-Mile Broadband Network

This RGP authorizes discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, including wetlands, and/or structures or work in or affecting navigable waters of the Untied States subject to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act for activities associated with the State of California Middle-Mile Broadband network. RGP 23 was issued on July 13, 2023 and expires on July 13, 2028.


Expand List item 3432Collapse List item 3432   24-Ventura Port District Maintenance Dredging

The RGP authorizes the Ventura Port District to conduct maintenance dredging of Ventura Harbor and dispose of dredged material on adjacent beaches or within low spots in the harbor. RGP024 issued on 01 Feb 2018 and expires on 25 Jan 2023.

RGP 24 Ventura Port District Maintenance Dredging

Expand List item 2578Collapse List item 2578   28-Port of Long Beach Maintenance Dredging

Allows the Port of Long Beach to dredge up to 40,000 cubic yards per a year, and no more than 200,000 cubic yards in a 5-year period. Sampling and analysis plans and disposal option analysis required on a case-by-case basis. RGP 28 will expire November 13, 2018.

RGP 28 Port of Long Beach Maintenance Dredging

Expand List item 27955Collapse List item 27955   29-Port of Los Angeles Regional General Permit for Maintenance Dredging

RGP 29 authorizes the Los Angeles Harbor Department (LAHD) to conduct maintenance dredging at existing berths and public marinas in the Port of Los Angeles for the purpose of maintaining existing design depths plus a two-foot overdredge depth. This RGP also authorizes LAHD to replace existing rock if such rock has been dislodged or fallen from the sloped areas adjacent to a berth.

RGP 29 was issued on May 8, 2017 and expires on March 8, 2022.

RGP 29 - Port of Los Angeles Regional General Permit for Maintenance Dredging

Expand List item 2579Collapse List item 2579   30-City of Long Beach Maintenance Dredging

Allows the City of Long Beach to perform maintenance dredging of no more that 150,000 cubic yards per year from specific locations in the City of Long Beach and Alamitos Bay. RGP 30 will expire October 31, 2021.

RGP 30 City of Long Beach Maintenance Dredging

Expand List item 2580Collapse List item 2580   41-Eradication and Removal of Invasive, Non-Native Plant and Algal Species

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, hereby re-issues Regional General Permit 41, authorizing activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands, and/or work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States for associated with the eradication and removal of the following invasive, non-native plant and algal species (invasives) within the portions of California in the Los Angeles District (Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, San Bernardino, Imperial, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Mono, Inyo, Kern, and San Luis Obispo Counties) and the state of Arizona. RGP 41 was reauthorized on September 5, 2024 and expires on September 5, 2029.

RGP 41 - Eradication and Removal of Invasive, Non-Native Plant and Algal Species

Expand List item 11548Collapse List item 11548   46-Orange County Public Works Ocean Outlets Maintenance Program

RGP 46 authorizes Orange County Public Works (OCPW) to conduct semi-annual maintenance activities at the ocean outlets of Talbert Channel, Santa Ana River, Salt Creek, Estrella Storm Channel, and Segunda Deshecha Cañada. In addition, OCPW may conduct as-needed maintenance up to five times per year at the Santa Ana River Outlet and year-round maintenance at the Salt Creek, Estrella, and Segunda Deshecha Outlets. OCPW may conduct minor maintenance at Talbert Outlet during summer months for the purpose of restoring flow to Talbert Marsh.

RGP 46 Orange County Public Works Ocean Outlets Maintenance Program

Expand List item 2582Collapse List item 2582   53-County of San Diego Routine Channel Maintenance

RGP 53 authorizes mechanical sediment, vegetation, and debris removal activities (maintenance activities) of County of San Diego, Department of Public Works maintained bridges, culverts and selected channels to prevent flooding of existing adjacent roadways and/or properties.

Expires: January 18, 2026

RGP 53 County of San Diego Routine Channel Maintenance

Expand List item 7167Collapse List item 7167   54-Newport Beach Maintenance Dredging Program

This RGP authorizes small-scale maintenance dredging within Newport Bay, in the city of Newport Beach, Orange County, California.

RGP 54 was reissued on December 22, 2020 and expires on December 21, 2025.

Document(s): 54-Newport Beach Maintenance Dredging Program

Expand List item 4313Collapse List item 4313   62-Bureau of Reclamation Operation and Maintenance Activities

RGP 62 authorizes the Bureau of Reclamation to discharge dredged and fill material necessary to conduct routine maintenance and operation activities in the Lower Colorado River (LCR). RGP 62 was reissued February 3, 2022 and expires January 31, 2027.

RGP 62 Bureau of Reclamation Operation and Maintenance Activities

Expand List item 2584Collapse List item 2584   63-Repair and Protection Activities in Emergency Situations
Provides a rapid response to requests for emergency work in waters of the US. This permit is restricted to situations of imminent threat to life or property. RGP 63 was reauthorized November 16, 2023 and will expire November 16, 2028.

Expand List item 36376Collapse List item 36376   88-OC Parks Ocean Outlets Maintenance Program
RGP 88 authorizes OC Parks to conduct semi-annual and minor, as-needed maintenance activities at the Poche Beach Ocean Outlet and the Capistrano Beach Ocean Outlet No. 1, located in the city of Dana Point, Orange County, California. RGP 88 was issued on June 25, 2024 and expires on June 24, 2029.

RGP 88-OC Parks Ocean Outlets Maintenance Program
Expand List item 17837Collapse List item 17837   65-POLA Structural Maintenance

Conduct routine wharf maintenance work in the Los Angeles Harbor, Port of Los Angeles, including in-kind repairs and replacements of piles, fenders, deck, or other wharf structural components, subject to the enclosed conditions.

Document(s): RGP65-POLA Structural Maintenance

Expand List item 12384Collapse List item 12384   66-San Clemente Beach Nourishment Program

To construct structures and/or conduct work in or affecting "navigable waters of the United States" pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, and to discharge fill onto up to 11.1 acres of waters of the U.S. pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972, as a part of a 5-year opportunistic beach nourishment program. RGP 66 was issued April 10, 2013 and expires February 18, 2018.

RGP 66 - San Clemente Beach Nourishment Program

Expand List item 13197Collapse List item 13197   69-United Water Conservation District

To discharge fill in wetland and non-wetland of waters of the U.S. as needed to conduct routine maintenance activities at the Freeman Diversion Facility. This RGP was issued on April 03, 2014 and expires on March 18, 2019.

RGP 69 United Water Conservation District

Expand List item 2585Collapse List item 2585   70-Bioengineered Bank Stabilization Activities

RGP 70 authorizes discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands pursuant to section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344; 33 C.F.R. parts 323 and 330), and work or structures in navigable waters of the United States section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 U.S.C. 403), for construction and maintenance of bioengineered bank stabilization. Unlike traditional or conventional bank stabilization, bioengineered bank stabilization does not rely on revetment or armoring to prevent erosion at a particular site. Instead, bioengineered bank stabilization structures utilize vegetation in combination with bank reshaping, biodegradeable geotextile materials, and in some cases a minimal amount of rock or wood to dissipate erosive energy. Bioengineered bank stabilization activities are not suitable in some types of waterways and not appropriate under certain circumstances. The Corps does not advocate any particular bank stabilization method and prospective permittees should consult a professional engineer when considering using this RGP. This authorization applies to anyone proposing to construct or maintain a bioengineered structure in a manner that is consistent with the terms and conditions of this RGP. RGP 70 was issued January 22, 2014 and expires January 22, 2019.

RGP 70 Bioengineered Bank Stabilization Activities

Expand List item 19758Collapse List item 19758   71-Vandenberg Air Force Base V-33 Harbor Maintenance Dredging

RGP 71 authorizes work (dredging) in or affecting "navigable waters of the United States" pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 in association with the Vandenberg Air Force Base V-33 Harbor Maintenance Dredging Program.

RGP 71 Vandenberg Air Force Base V-33 Harbor Maintenance Dredging

Expand List item 2586Collapse List item 2586   72-Port of San Diego Maintenance and Repair of Port, Piers, Wharves, and Docks

RGP 72 authorizes the Port of San Diego to perform routine wharf/dock maintenance work, including in-kind repair or replacement of damaged and broken chocks, wales, and wooden, concrete, and plastic pier and fender piles, as needed. This RGP was issued on December 10, 2019 and expires on December 4, 2024.

RGP 72 - Port of San Diego Maintenance and Repair of Port, Piers, Wharves, and Docks

Expand List item 2764Collapse List item 2764   74-Maintenance Activities in SAMP areas in Orange County, California

RGP 74 authorizes discharges of dredged or fill material resulting in temporary impacts up to ½ acre of jurisdictional waters of the United States in eligible areas, no more than ⅟₁₀ acre of which may be vegetated with native riparian and/or wetland vegetation. This RGP was reissued on January 11, 2021 and expires on January 11, 2026.

RGP 74 - Maintenance Activities within SAMP areas in Orange County, California

Expand List item 2588Collapse List item 2588   76-California Department of Transportation, District 5, Annual Maintenance Program

RGP 76 authorizes the California Department of Transportation, District 5, to conduct routine maintenance activities on currently serviceable structures/facilities/fills in water of the U.S. located within Caltrans' right-of-way or easement in accordance with the terms and conditions specified by the RGP. Expires September 1, 2015.

RGP 76 California Department of Transportation, District 5, Annual Maintenance Program

Expand List item 5040Collapse List item 5040   78-California Department of Fish and Game's Fisheries Restoration Grant Program

Authorizes projects implemented under the California Department of Fish and Wildlife's Fisheries Restoration Grant Program. RGP 78 was issued September 17, 2019 on and expires on September 16, 2024.

RGP 78 California Department of Fish and Game's Fisheries Restoration Grant Program

Expand List item 2590Collapse List item 2590   80-City of Santa Maria Drainage Facilities Maintenance

RGP 80 authorizes discharges of fill material for routine maintenance in the City of Santa Mara. RGP 80 was issued June 9, 2016 and expires June 8, 2021.

RGP 80 City of Santa Maria Drainage Facilities Maintenance

Expand List item 2591Collapse List item 2591   81-Maintenance and Bank Stabilization Activities, Pima County, Arizona

RGP 81 authorizes all County, local city and town, and Tribal government entities within Pima County to conduct various maintenance and bank stabilization activities. RGP081 was issued March 17, 2017 and expires March 16, 2022.

RGP 81 Maintenance and Bank Stabilization Activities, Pima County, Arizona

Expand List item 2592Collapse List item 2592   82-Vector Habitat Remediation Program, San Diego County, California

RGP 82 authorizes the County of San Diego - Department of Environmental Health and other Vector Habitat Remediation Program (VHRP) participants to propose, and if approved by the County and the Corps, implement projects that eliminate mosquito breeding habitat with Wetland and Water Quality treatment design activities, Water Management Activities, and Sediment and Vegetation manipulation activities in waters of the United States. RGP081 was issued July 21, 2011 and expires July 21, 2016.

RGP 82 Vector Habitat Remediation Program, San Diego County, California

Expand List item 12461Collapse List item 12461   84-Huntington Harbour Bulkhead Repair and Rehabilitation

RGP No. 84 authorizes repair and protection of existing bulkheads for properties within Huntington Harbour. RGP 84 was issued on November 25, 2013 and expires on November 25, 2018.

RGP - 84 Huntington Harbour Bulkhead Repair and Rehabilitation

Expand List item 2593Collapse List item 2593   85-Coronado Cays Home Owners Association Dock Maintenance and Replacement

RGP-85 This RGP is applicable to the repair and replacement of existing boat docking structures in the Coronado Cays Homeowner Association. Specifically, this RGP authorizes the in-kind repair and/or replacement of docks, piles, gangways, fenders, floats, boat lifts or other infrastructure components. Under this RGP, the configuration may change if necessary in order to avoid or minimize environmental impacts, to better meet the project purpose, or if construction methods, materials, or compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act Standards warrant the modification as long as the total footprint of each individual structure results in no net increase in square footage (the square footage of each structure remains the same or less). No new docks or dock expansions will be authorized under this RGP. The expiration date of RGP 85 is January 17, 2028.

RGP 85 Coronado Cays Home Owners Association Dock Maintenance and Replacement

Expand List item 2594Collapse List item 2594   86-City of Vista Storm Water Conveyance System Maintenance

Regional General Permit 86 issued to the City of Vista, John Conley, authorizes the City of Vista to perform routine flood control maintenance of 32 storm water conveyance structures and selected channels to prevent flooding of adjacent roadways and/or properties. Authorized activities include both hand and mechanical clearing of accumulated debris, sediment and/or vegetation. RGP 86 was reissued on August 19, 2021 with an expiration date of August 6, 2026.

RGP 86 City of Vista Storm Water Conveyance System Maintenance

Expand List item 2763Collapse List item 2763   87-Escondido Sewer Outfall Operations and Maintenance Activities

RGP87 authorizes the City of Escondido (City) to perform ongoing sewer outfall operation and maintenance (O&M) activities to the 14.2-mile City of Escondido sewer outfall alignment. RGP87 was issued on April 6, 2012 and expires on April 6, 2017.

87 Escondido Sewer Outfall Operations and Maintenance Activities

Expand List item 17066Collapse List item 17066   90-OCWD Regional Maintenance Program for Santa Ana River Basin Recharge Facilities

RGP 90 authorizes the Orange County Water District (OCWD) to discharge dredged and/or fill material resulting in temporary impacts to waters of the United States associated with conducting various routine maintenance activities throughout its 32 existing groundwater recharge facilities. OCWD is authorized to conduct maintenance activities on a recurring, as-needed basis. Maintenance activities shall be conducted in accordance with OCWD’s Groundwater Management Facilities Maintenance Plan, dated August 2020. RGP 90 was reauthorized October 20, 2022 and will expire October 18, 2027.

RGP 90-OCWD Regional Maintenance Program for Santa Ana River Basin Recharge Facilities

Expand List item 9128Collapse List item 9128   92-Ventura County Watershed Protection District Routine Maintenance Activities

Authorizes routine maintenance of VCWPD facilities including basins, channels, grade control structures, stream gauges, levees, bank protection, culverts and appurtenant structures of all of the above that involve a discharge of fill material. RGP 92 was issued February 13, 2013 and expires February 13, 2018.

RGP 92 Ventura County Watershed Protection District Routine Maintenance Activities

Expand List item 30930Collapse List item 30930   94-City of Escondido Channel Maintenance Work Activities

RGP 94 authorizes ongoing operation and maintenance (O&M) activities at a total of 81 sites located within existing flood control channels and storm drains throughout the City of Escondido. RGP 94 was issued on November 17, 2022 and expires on November 17, 2027.

RGP 94-City of Escondido Channel Maintenance Work Activities

Expand List item 16916Collapse List item 16916   96-Routine Transportation Activities, Arizona

RGP 96 authorizes the Arizona Department of Transportation to conduct routine transportation activities within the State of Arizona's highway right-of-way and easements on non-tribal lands. RGP 96 was issued May 6, 2021 and expires May 6, 2026.

RGP 96 Routine Transportation Activities, Arizona

Expand List item 18926Collapse List item 18926   97-Southern California Edison Eastern Sierra Hydroelectric Project

Authorizes ongoing operations and maintenance activities necessary to ensure safe operation of Southern California Edison projects. RGP 97 was reissued December 9, 2020 and expires October 15, 2025.

RGP 97 - Southern California Edison Eastern Sierra Hydroelectric Project

Expand List item 18927Collapse List item 18927   98-UWCD Lake Piru Facilities Maintenance

Authorizes the discharge of fill material into waters of the U.S. in association with the Lake Piru Facility Maintenance Project. RGP 98 was issued March 28, 2023 and expires March 24, 2028.

RGP 98-UWCD Lake Piru Facilities Maintenance

Expand List item 23617Collapse List item 23617   99-RCFCWCD Routine Operation and Maintenance Program for Low-Impact Facilities

RGP 99 authorizes Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District to conduct routine maintenance of existing low-impact flood control facilities to maintain as-built structural function and integrity. RGP 99 was issued on November 13, 2018 and expires on November 13, 2023.

RGP 99-RCFCWCD Routine Operation and Maintenance Program for Low-Impact Facilities

Expand List item 22713Collapse List item 22713  100-OCPW Countywide Long-term Routine Maintenance Program
Regional General Permit No. 100 authorizes routine maintenance activities conducted under the Orange County Public Works (OCPW) Countywide Long-term Routine Maintenance Program (Maintenance Program) within Orange County Flood Control Division (OCFCD) rights-of-way situated throughout the 13 watersheds of Orange County. The RGP authorizes activities associated with the Maintenance Program that would result in a discharge of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the United States and/or would place structures or consist of work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States. Maintenance activities covered under the RGP include channel and basin/dam maintenance, bridge maintenance, invasives removal, and channel/bridge inspections/cleaning, among a wide variety of other routine maintenance types.

The RGP only authorizes Corps-jurisdictional activities that would result in temporary impacts to waters of the United States and which would have minimal impacts, both individually and cumulatively, on the aquatic environment. This RGP does not authorize impacts beyond the baseline/as-built conditions of covered facilities.

RGP 100 was reissued on May 3, 2024 and expires on May 3, 2029.

RGP 100-OCPW Countywide Long-term Routine Maintenance Program
Expand List item 28167Collapse List item 28167  102-City of San Diego Department of Transportation and Stormwater Municipal Waterways Maintenance Plan Activities

RGP 102 authorizes the City of San Diego Department of Transportation and Stormwater to discharge dredged or fill material into Waters of the U.S. while conducting activities associated with the maintenance of existing stormwater facilities identified in the City of San Diego's Municipal Waterways Maintenance Plan. RGP 102 was issued on June 24, 2021 and expires on June 17, 2026.

RGP 102-City of San Diego Department of Transportation and Stormwater Municipal Waterways Maintenance Plan Activities

Expand List item 34082Collapse List item 34082  104-Wildfire Mitigation Activities (AZ)

RGP 104 may be used to authorize activities in waters of the United States involving the discharge of dredged or fill material and structures or work in or affecting navigable waters associated with wildfire mitigation, including wildfire protection, prevention, response, clean-up, and recovery. RGP 104 was issued on March 15, 2024 and expires on March 15, 2029.

RGP 104-Wildfire Mitigation Activities (AZ)

Expand List item 37217Collapse List item 37217  105-Drainage Maintenance Activities within Waters of the United States in Western Pinal County, Arizona

RGP 105 authorizes activities in waters of the U.S. involving the discharge of fill materials associated with the removal of accumulated sediments, removal of vegetation, and other minor maintenance-related activities associated with channelized/engineered drainages within watersheds primarily located in western Pinal County, Arizona.

RGP 105 - Drainage Maintenance Activities within Waters of the United States in Western Pinal County, Arizona