Channel Islands Harbor Breakwater and Jetty Repair

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District, along with its contractor, Connolly Pacific, are conducting ongoing repairs to two parallel entrance jetties and the protective offshore breakwater near the entrance of the Channel Islands Harbor in Oxnard, California.

The Channel Islands Harbor Breakwater and Jetty Repair project consists of typical maintenance work to repair the detached breakwater and entrance channel jetties to their original condition and functionality. The structures were built in the early 1960’s to protect the harbor. The repair areas identified have the same existing footprint as the original construction and are not an enhancement or modification.

The project is needed to ensure navigational safety and to prevent further degradation of the structural integrity of the jetties and breakwater.

Repairs to the south jetty are expected to have no impacts to local sediment transport patterns, no impacts to the existing wave regime adjacent the south jetty, and therefore no impacts to the quality of surf at this location.

Channel Islands Harbor, California


General Information
Channel Islands Harbor is located in the city of Oxnard. Dredging for the Channel Islands Harbor began in the mid-1950’s. The harbor was completed in 1963. The harbor was designed to lessen the effect of downshore beach erosion at Port Hueneme and beyond to Point Mugu. Harbor structural features consist of a 2300 foot-long offshore breakwater, entrance jetties, and an entrance channel leading to the harbor interior. The entrance channel is 32,000 feet in length and varies in width from 300 feet near the entrance basin to 600 feet within the harbor. The entrance channel is authorized at a depth of -20 feet mean lower low water (MLLW).

The offshore breakwater and jetties form a sand trap, and the entrance basin collects littoral drift as it moves downcoast. The harbor was designed to trap sand to prevent loss to the submarine canyon off of Port Hueneme and to provide dredged material for beach replenishment for downcoast beaches.