Final Integrated Feasibility Report (IFR) with Environmental Impact Statement/ Environmental Impact Report and Appendices
This Final Integrated Feasibility Report with Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (Integrated Feasibility Report (IFR)) presents a summary of the planning process, describes the affected environmental resources and evaluates the potential impacts to those resources as a result of constructing, operating and maintaining the Malibu Creek Ecosystem Restoration Project. The primary purpose of the project is to restore aquatic habitat connectivity along Malibu Creek and tributaries, establish a more natural sediment regime from the watershed to the shoreline, and restore aquatic habitat of sufficient quality along Malibu Creek and tributaries to sustain or enhance indigenous populations of aquatic species within the next several decades, allowing for migratory opportunities to about 15 miles of aquatic habitat that have been unreachable for many decades in this Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California watershed.
The Federal lead agency responsible for implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District (USACE). The lead agency responsible for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is the California Department of Parks and Recreation (CDPR).
A range of measures and preliminary alternatives were developed during the feasibility study process in coordination with CDPR, resource agencies and interest groups, in addition to the No Action Alternative. Action alternatives vary based on modification or removal of Rindge Dam, methods of impounded sediment removal from behind the dam, sediment placement and transport options, and potential modification or removal of additional aquatic habitat barriers upstream of Rindge Dam.
The National Ecosystem Restoration (NER) plan is identified as Alternative 2d1, with removal of the Rindge Dam arch concurrent with trucking of the impounded sediment to several placement sites over 7 years. Shoreline-compatible sediment would be temporarily stockpiled at an upland location until delivery to the shoreline in front of the Malibu Pier parking lot using trucks during non-peak use times, after Labor Day and before Memorial Day, for three consecutive construction years. Material not compatible with shoreline placement would be disposed of at the Calabasas Landfill. Several aquatic habitat barriers along the Cold Creek and Las Virgenes Creek tributaries would be modified or removed to provide access to additional miles of quality habitat.
The Recommended Plan is the Locally Preferred Plan (LPP), Alternative 2b2. This plan differs from the NER plan by including removal of the Rindge Dam concrete spillway apron, transport of shoreline compatible sediment by trucks to Ventura Harbor, and by barge to the nearshore environment off the coast of the Malibu Pier parking lot.
For further information, please contact the Corps at the following address:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District
Attn: Susie Ming, Project Manager (CESPL-PM-N)
915 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 930
Los Angeles, California 90017
E-mail: Malibu.Creek@usace.army.mil
Phone: (213) 452-3789