
San Clemente Shoreline Supplemental Environmental Assessment:

Record of Decision:

Appendix B - San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. R9-2022-0171 for Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification:

Appendix C - Coastal Commission Final Consistency Determination:

Appendix D - National Marine Fisheries Service Biological Opinion:

Appendix E - State Historic Conservation Officer Section 106 Consultation:

Appendix F - U.S. EPA Environmental Justice Screen Report:

San Clemente Shoreline

View of San Clemente shoreline from pier looking south. Courtesy City of San Clemente.Project Description:

The Authorized Project for coastal storm damage reduction in San Clemente includes construction of a 50-foot-wide beach fill along a 3,412-foot-long stretch of shoreline using 251,000 cubic yards of compatible sediment, with re-nourishment every 6 years on average over a 50-year period of Federal participation, for a total of 8 additional nourishments. 7 of those will have the same cubic yards moved, while the last will require 84,000 cubic yards.
Material for the beach fill will be dredged from a borrow site located off the coast of Oceanside, California. Sand will be dredged from borrow site SO-9 located 1 mile offshore. The material would be placed hydraulically directly onto the beach, anchored by a berm, where it will be spread using land equipment. The berm will settle down to a natural grade due to the waves and weather.

Physical monitoring of the performance of the project will be required annually throughout the 50-year period of Federal participation. This plan would provide protection to various land elements, including the LOSSAN railroad. It would also expand the existing recreational beach. A comprehensive mitigation monitoring and reporting plan has been incorporated into the authorized project.

The Final Integrated Feasibility Study & EIS/EIR and Chief of Engineers' Report for the San Clemente Shoreline Protection Project, Orange County, California, was signed April 15, 2012.  The Record of Decision was signed on September 6, 2012. The project was authorized for construction in the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014. The authorized name is San Clemente Shoreline, CA.

Preconstruction, Engineering, and Design (PED):

The project is in the preconstruction, engineering, and design phase that includes preparation of design documents, environmental compliance, real estate activities, and pre-project monitoring through to construction contract advertisement.
Monitoring planned or taking place involves
•    Surfzone monitoring
•    Surveys of the beach and seabed morphology
•    Reef habitat monitoring
•    Surfgrass surveying
•    Turbidity monitoring (borrow site)
•    Cultural – A pedestrian survey of the onshore area in addition to database consultation for the underwater areas and a search by the California Native American Heritage commission for any sites

Point of Contact:

USACE Project Manager
Doland Cheung
(213) 465-5256
915 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90017