The former Camp Little is located in the city of Nogales, Arizona. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is investigating and monitoring the former camp through the Formerly Used Defense Sites, or FUDS, Program for munitions and explosive hazards that may remain from previous military training activities.
The U.S. Army established a camp in Nogales, Arizona, as a Mexican Border Patrol Station and general training camp. The camp may have been established as early as 1910 and was later named Camp Little. From 1917 to 1918, the camp served as a staging post for World War I troops. After the war, troops assigned to Camp Little conducted border patrol duties until the Camp closed in 1932. The majority of the troops and equipment were transferred to Fort Huachuca. Camp Little was officially abandoned in 1933.
Camp Little encompassed approximately 2,240 acres. The camp was divided into three main areas: cantonment area, target range, and aviation field. Throughout the period of operation, the camp was used for small arms and artillery training. Camp Little had three munitions’ warehouses and several magazines.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is investigating the Camp Little to identify if hazards from previous military training may remain on the property.