Final Action Codes

Final Action Codes  Description
Issued NW Nationwide Permit Issued
Denied NW W/O Prd. Nationwide Permit Denied without Prejudice
Issued LOP Letter of Permission Issued
Issued IP Individual Permit Issued
Issued ATF IP After-the-Fact Individual Permit Issued
Withdrawn NW Nationwide Permit Withdrawn
Withdrawn IP Individual Permit Withdrawn
Issued IP Mod Individual Permit Modification Issued
Issued ATF NW After-the-Fact Nationwide Permit issued
Desk Juris. Det. Desk Jurisdictional Determination Completed
Field Juris. Det. Field Jurisdictional Determination Completed

Final Regulatory Actions

Individual Permit Decisions and Approved Jurisdictional Determinations (AJDs) can be viewed using ORM Public, which is available through the USACE Headquarters website. ORM Public enables users to query the status of all pending and final Individual Permits (Standard Permits and Letters of Permission), all actions involving funding agreement partners under Section 214 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), and all AJDs issued by the Corps Regulatory Program.

An AJD form is not publicly available at this time. The Corps' Jurisdictional Determination Request and Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Forms are available at the following links:

Approved Jurisdictional Determinations

Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 19202Collapse List item 19202  2016 to Present
AJDs dated 2016 or later can be found on the Corps' ORM Public website.
Expand List item 18760Collapse List item 18760  2015
DA Number  Project Name  State  County  Watershed/Waterbody 
SPL-2014-00249-TOB Seville Solar Project  CA  Imperial  Salton Sea 
SPL-2015-00206-AJS Clearwater Pierce Agricultural Development  CA  Ventura  Santa Clara River  
SPL-2014-00763-TS CALTRANS Interstate 40 Watson Wash Bridge   CA  San Bernardino  Cadiz Lake 
SPL-2015-00037-TS CALTRANS - State Route 247 Shoulder Project (EA 08-0G900)  CA  San Bernardino   Emerson Dry Lake / Means Dry Lake / Melville Dry Lake
SPL-2014-00497-VCL  CALTRANS Interstate 10 Desert Center Bridge at post mile 104.43 near Blythe CA  Riverside

Ford Dry Lake

SPL-2014-00762-VCL  CALTRANS Interstate 10 Isora Ditch Bridge (Post Mile 139.18) near Blythe  CA  Riverside

Isora Ditch 

SPL-2007-01152-SME  1520 Glenneyre Street--Laguna Beach, Orange County, CA  CA  Orange Bluebird Canyon Creek 
SPL-2015-00032-MWL Pomegranate Farms AJD  AZ  Pima

Gila River between Powers Butte and Gillespie Dam 

 SPL-2001-01566-RWF ANTHEM WEST  AZ  Maricopa 

Hasayampa River 

SPL-2007-00737-RWF Sun Valley Villages I and II  AZ  Maricopa 

Wagner Wash 

SPL-2015-00237-WHM  Cliffrose Solar Interconnection Project  AZ  Mohave Colorado River
SPL-2015-00464-RJD CNF 42-1 Cave Creek Road at Idlewild Campground - Coronado National Forest AZ ERFO 42(1)  AZ  Cochise Cave Creek 
SPL-2015-00468-RJD  CNF 42-2 Stewart Bridge Repairs - Coronado National Forest AZ ERFO 42(1)  AZ Cochise  Cave Creek
SPL-2015-00476-RJD CNF 42-4 South Fork Overflow Channel at FR 42-Coronado National Forest AZ ERFO 42(1)  AZ  Cochise South Fork Cave Creek
SPL-2015-00479-RJD  CNF 42H-1 Idlewilde Campground - Coronado National Forest AZ ERFO 42(1) AZ  Cochise Cave Creek
SPL-2015-00480-RJD  CNF 42D-1 Road Repair near Rustler Park - Coronado National Forest AZ ERFO 42(1)  AZ  Cochise  Onion Creek
SPL-2015-00481-RJD  CNF 42-5 and 42-6 Repair To FR 42 West of Onion Saddle - Coronado National Forest  AZ Cochise  Pinery Creek 
SPL-2015-00482-RJD  CNF 74E-1 Rucker Canyon Low Water Crossing Replacement -Coronado National Forest AZ ERFO 74E-1  AZ  Cochise Rucker Canyon
SPL-2013-00403-BLR West Valley Logistics Center Project CA San Bernardino  Santa Ana River 3 miles / Pacific Ocean 43 miles
SPL-2014-00473-SLP  White Knob-White Ridge Quarry Project, Lucerne Valley, CA  CA  San Bernardino  Rabbit Dry Lake 
SPL-2014-00699-GS  Mill Creek JD  CA  San Bernardino  Mill Creek 
SPL-2014-00543-SLP  Western Antelope Valley Solar Project  CA  Los Angeles  Rosamond Dry Lake 
SPL-2010-00639-MAS  Rosamond Solar Array Project  CA  Kern  Rosamond Dry Lake 
SPL-2015-00028-SLP  Lucerne Valley Solar One Project  CA  San Bernardino  Lucerne Valley Dry Lake 
SPL-2010-00638-MAS  Willow Springs Solar Array Project  CA  Kern  Rosamond Dry Lake 
SPL-2014-00624-SLP  Longboat Solar Project  CA  San Bernardino  Mojave River 
SPL-2015-00074-VCL  WRDA-CALTRANS - Interstate 40 at Hoff Wash and Post Mile 93.6 unnamed wash  CA  San Bernardino  Hoff Wash 
SPL-2014-00200-YK  InterConnect Blind Hills Communication Site Access Rd  CA  San Bernardino  Cadiz Lake 
SPL-2012-00632-PKK   AT&T Fiber Optic Cable Maintenance Project CA San Bernardino  Soda Dry Lake / Silver Dry Lake
SPL-2007-00547-PHT  Proposed Ridgecrest Wal-Mart  CA  Kern County Satellite Dry Lake
SPL-2004-00933-WHM BOX CANYON PROPERTY  AZ  Pinal Gila River
SPL-2004-00397-RJD  SMITH RANCH AZ  Cochise   
Expand List item 12855Collapse List item 12855  2014
DA Number Project Name State County


SPL-2014-00585-AJS  Hueneme Road Widening Project  CA  Ventura   
SPL-2014-00583-AJS  Freeman Diversion Maintenance 2014  CA  Ventura  
SPL-2014-00514-AJS  Grimes Rock Mining Facility Expansion  CA  Ventura   
SPL-2014-00503-AJS  Agromin Biogenic Energy Park JD  CA  Ventura   
SPL-2014-00501-AJS  Lake Sherwood Parcel A fill removal  CA  Ventura   
SPL-2014-00479-AJS  Ventura Pier Maintenance  CA  Ventura   
SPL-2014-00450-MWL-JD1  BNSF Riordan Pass  AZ  Coconino  Upper Verde / Unnamed Drainage 
SPL-2014-00367-AJS  North Bank Drive Sewer Line Extension  CA  Ventura  HUC 18070102 / Santa Clara River 
SPL-2014-00323  Legacy RV Resort (Mike Anderson)  AZ  La Paz   
SPL-2014-00303-JWM-JD1  Tehachapi Landfill Jurisdictional Determination, Kern County  CA  Kern 
SPL-2014-00300-DB  Vail Smith, LLC  AZ  Pima  Pantano Wash 
SPL-2014-00292-JWM  SCE, South Lake Reservoir Dam Intake Tunnel Repair  CA  Inyo   
SPL-2014-00263-AJS  Emma Wood North Beach Shoreline Protection 2014 Storm Damage Repair  CA  Ventura  Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2014-00262-AJS-JD5  VCWPD 2014-2015 Operation and Maintenance Annual Work Plan CA Ventura 18070103 / Tapo Canyon Channel 
SPL-2014-00262-AJS-JD4  VCWPD 2014-2015 Operation and Maintenance Annual Work Plan  CA  Ventura 18070103 / Lewis Road Channel 
SPL-2014-00262-AJS-JD3  VCWPD 2014-2015 Operation and Maintenance Annual Work Plan  CA  Ventura 18070103 / Camino Dos Rios Secondary 
SPL-2014-00262-AJS-JD2  VCWPD 2014-2015 Operation and Maintenance Annual Work Plan  CA Ventura  18070103 / Calleguas Creek 
SPL-2014-00262-AJS-JD1  VCWPD 2014-2015 Operation and Maintenance Annual Work Plan  CA  Ventura  18070103 / Bus Canyon Channel 
SPL-2014-00255-JWM  Structural Maintenance, Pier B, Berth 77, Port of Long Beach  CA  Los Angeles   
SPL-2014-00240-AJS VCWPD 2013-2014 Annual Workplan Addendum #2  CA  Los Angeles  Santa Clara River Estuary / Warring Basin 
SPL-2014-00229-DB  Kotzin/TenX Ranches (Stilo Development Group USA, LP)  AZ Coconino  HUC 15010004 / Colorado River 
SPL-2014-00226-JWM  Tioga Lake Dams Geomembrane Liner Installation Project  CA  Mono   
SPL-2014-00212  SCE Edison, Juniper 12KV Project, NWP 12, straighten poles, San Jacinto River, Riverside County, CA  CA  Riverside  
SPL-2014-00146  RGP 63 Palm Canyon Wash Levee RCFCWCD storm damage repair Riverside County, CA  CA  Riverside   
SPL-2014-00129-MWL  Park Corporation AJD  AZ  Pima   
SPL-2014-00102-RJD-JD1  Apache Nitrogen Products, Inc.  AZ  Cochise   
SPL-2014-00096-AJS  VCWPD routine operation and maintenance 2013-2014 annual workplan addendum no. 1  CA  Ventura   
SPL-2014-00084-JPL  Park Place Project  CA  Orange  HUC 18070204 / San Diego Creek 
SPL-2014-00070-RJD-JD1  Army Energy Initiatives Task Force -  Solar Array at Fort Huachuca  AZ Cochise Upper San Pedro, Arizona (15050202) / None
SPL-2014-00053-RRS-JD1  Demolition of In-Water Structures at South Bay Power Plant  CA  San Diego  San Diego Bay 
SPL-2014-00025-CLH  Cota Street Bridge Replacement  CA Santa Barbara   
SPL-2013-00820-RJD  Beaver Creek Aquatic Organism Passage Project  AZ  Greenlee  Black, Arizona (15060101) / Beaver Creek 
SPL-2013-00787-MWL  Sendero Pass Project Offsite Sewer Line  AZ  Pima  Brawley Wash Watershed / Unnamed washes 
SPL-2013-00781-RJD-JD1  Diversion Ditch and Stock Pond Maintenance  AZ Greenlee San Francisco, Arizona-New Mexico (15040004) / Blue River 
SPL-2013-00746-RJD-JD1  PJD Target Range Road South  AZ  Santa Cruz Upper Santa Cruz, Arizona (15050301) / None 
SPL-2013-00717-SLP  West Antelope Solar Project  CA  Los Angeles  Antelope Valley / tributaries to Rosamond dry lake 
SPL-2013-00709-BEM  Valley Crest and Yucca Reservoirs Project  CA  San Bernardino Mojave Watershed HUC 18090208 / Mojave River 
SPL-2013-00592-AJS-JD1  Ferro Ditch Channel Improvement Project  CA  Ventura  HUC 18070103 / Ferro Ditch 
SPL-2013-00561-MWL  Pascua Yaqui Lands  AZ  Pima Brawley Wash Watershed / Unnamed washes
SPL-2013-00555-RRS  Shelter Island Yachtways  Marine Travelift Pier Addition  CA  San Diego  San Diego Bay 
SPL-2013-00507-SLP  Air Force Plant 42 Palmdale,CA  CA  Los Angeles  Antelope Valley / tributaries to Rosamond dry lake 
SPL-2013-00430-GS  Lennar Tentative Tract Map 18870 (APN 0229-041-09)  CA  San Bernardino  East Etiwanda Creek - Santa Ana River (180702031001) / Etiwanda Creek Channel 
SPL-2013-00407-BEM  504 East Rustic Road, Los Angeles CA 90402  CA  Los Angeles  Garapito Creek-Frontal Santa Monica Bay (1807010405) /  Rustic Creek, off-site
SPL-2013-00404-RRS-JD1  Solana Beach Seawalls at 523-525 Pacific Avenue and 249-311 Pacific Avenue  CA  San Diego   
SPL-2013-00290-RRS-JD1  San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Unit 1 Decommissioning  CA  Orange  San Diego Bay 
SPL-2013-00162-BEM  CALTRANS - State Route 58 Widening and Realignment near Kramer Junction (Post Mile 0 to 12.9) CA  San Bernardino Antelope-Fremont Valleys (18090206) and Coyote-Cuddeback Lakes (18090207) / Rogers Dry Lake, Harper Dry Lake
SPL-2013-00057-MWL-JD1  Chloride Copper Mine  AZ  Mohave  Sacramento Wash/Unnamed washes 
SPL-2013-00057-MWL-JD2 Chloride Copper Mine  AZ  Mohave  Sacramento Wash/Unnamed washes 
SPL-2013-00050-MWL  PJD for the Parcel 210-34-022A Analysis Area  AZ  Pinal  Middle Gila / Unnamed Drainages 
SPL-2013-00036-MWL  PJD. Pinal Central to Tortolita Substation 500KV Transmission Line.  AZ  Pinal  Middle Gila and Lower Santa Cruz Watersheds / unnamed washes 
SPL-2013-00035-MWL  Bushwood Development  AZ  Maricopa  Agua Fria Subbasin (15070102) / Cave Creek Wash 
SPL-2012-00674-SLP  Sterling Gateway Industrial - PM 60030 Project  CA  Los Angeles  Santa Clara River watershed / Hasley Creek 
SPL-2012-00297-BEM  Scott Brothers Dairy Connection to San Antonio Creek Channel  CA  San Bernardino  Chino Creek (1807020307) / San Antonio Creek 
SPL-2014-00599-AJS  Hueneme Pier Emergency Repairs  CA  Ventura  Pacific Ocean
SPL-2014-00545-MBS Jess Martin Park  CA  San Diego  Coleman Creek 
Expand List item 8844Collapse List item 8844  2013
DA Number  Project Name  State  County  Watershed/Waterbody 
SPL-2013-00868-RRS  NCTD Bridge 243 Emergency Repairs (2013)  CA  San Diego  San Dieguito River watershed / San Dieguito River 
SPL-2013-00862-AJS  Oxnard West Drain emergency repairs  CA  Ventura  18070103 / Oxnard West Drain 
SPL-2013-00856-JWM  Cathodic Protection Installation, Platform Elly to Shore 16-inch Pipeline  CA  Los Angeles   
SPL-2013-00819-AJS  Lake Piru Marina Parking Lot Repair  CA  Ventura  1807010206 (Lower Piru Creek) / Lake Piru 
SPL-2013-00762-SD-JD1  Trekell & Rodeo 93 Acres  AZ  Pinal  15050303 / Santa Cruz River 
SPL-2013-00741-AJS  Lost Hills Interchange  CA  Los Angeles  Santa Monica Bay Subbasin (18071014) / unnamed drainage ditch 
SPL-2013-00736-AJS-JD2  VCWPD routine maintenance acitivties at Matilija Dam and Santa Rosa No. 4  CA  Ventura  18070103 / Arroyo Santa Rosa 
SPL-2013-00736-AJS-JD1  VCWPD routine maintenance acitivties at Matilija Dam and Santa Rosa No. 4  CA  Ventura  18070101 / Matilija Creek 
SPL-2013-00721-AJS  Camarillo Academy High School  and Performing Arts Center approved JD request  CA  Ventura  18070103 / unnamed agricultural drains 
SPL-2013-00718-AJS  North Shore at Mandalay Bay Stormwater Outfall Installation Project  CA  Ventura  Reliant Energy Canal 
SPL-2013-00694-RRS-JD1  Maintenance Dredging Piers J&K and Carrier Wharf L/M/N/O/P, Naval Base Coronado  CA  San Diego  San Diego / San Diego Bay & Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2013-00671-RJD  Boulder Beach Replenishment  AZ  Santa Cruz  Santa Cruz / Patagonia Lake 
SPL-2013-00646-AJS-JD1  Delineation of Channel Islands Air National Guard Station  CA  Ventura  Mugu Lagoon / Wetland "A" 
SPL-2013-00646-AJS-JD2  Delineation of Channel Islands Air National Guard Station  CA  Ventura  Mugu Lagoon / Wetland "B" 
SPL-2013-00598-AJS  Mandalay Bay Seawall Repairs  CA  Ventura  Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2013-00575-RRS  J Street Off-Site Drainage Improvements  CA  San Diego  San Diego Bay 

California Department of Transportation District 9 - SR 190 at Post Mile 71.5 Curve

Realignment and Culvert Replacement

CA  Inyo  Emigrant Wash 
SPL-2013-00549-AJS  Ventura Yacht Club Marina Reconfiguration  CA  Ventura  Ventura Harbor (Pacific Ocean) 
SPL-2013-00545-TS  California Department of Transportation (District 9) State Route 58 Cache Creek Bridge Replacement  CA  Kern Cache Creek  
SPL-2013-00544-SJH Caltrans I-5 HOV NCC Geotechnical Studies at San Elijo Lagoon  CA 



Please refer to Juridictional Determination on SPL-2004-01089-SJH
SPL-2013-00542-VCC  CALTRANS - State Route 2 Sheep Creek Slope Protection Project Approved JD  CA  San Bernardino  Sheep Creek 
SPL-2013-00511-RRS  San Diego County Regional Airport Authority  CA  San Diego  San Diego Bay 
SPL-2013-00480-RRS  Port of San Diego B St. Pier Mooring Dolphin and Platform/Catwalk/Bollards  CA  San Diego  San Diego Bay 
SPL-2013-00475-JWM  Regional General Permit No. 28 Renewal: Structure and Channel Maintenance, Port of Long Beach  CA  Los Angeles   
SPL-2013-00464-AJS  Santa Clara River estuary Flood Alleviation Project  CA Ventura  Pacific Ocean / Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2013-00459-BAH-JD1  Clearwater Photovoltaic Generation Facility Jurisdictional Determination  CA  Kern  Rogers Dry Lake 
SPL-2013-00458-BAH-JD1  Yakima Photovoltaic Generation Facility Jurisdictional Determination  CA  Kern  Rogers Dry Lake 
SPL-2013-00456-AJS  Hueneme Beach Emergency Shore Protection  CA  Ventura  Pacific Ocean / Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2013-00395-AJS  2013-2014 VCWPD annual maintenance plan  CA  Ventura   
SPL-2013-00370  La Entrada Specific Plan JD, Coachella, American Canal, Riverside County, CA  CA  Riverside   
SPL-2013-00367-AJS  NBVC Point Mugu fence repair project  CA  Ventura  Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2013-00341-AJS  Southern California Edison emegency power pole replacement along PCH  CA  Ventura  Calleguas / Mugu Lagoon 
SPL-2013-00323-JWM  Held Harbor Center, 901-915 Embarcadero Road  CA  San Luis Obispo   
SPL-2013-00317-AJS  Marina Park Boating Docks Repair  CA  Ventura  Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2013-00299-KAT-JD1  Bayer CropSciences  AZ  Pinal  Santa Cruz Watershed / Santa Cruz Wash 
SPL-2013-00266-KAT-JD1  40 acre Quail Ranch Development  AZ  Pinal   
SPL-2013-00245-AJS  Platform Holly Powerline Replacement Project  CA  Santa Barbara  Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2013-00218-BLR  South Bay Metro Green Line Extension-Torrance Station  CA  Los Angeles  Pacific Ocean / Dominguez Channel, Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2013-00204  RCFCWCD San Jacinto Line C JD isolated waters Hemet, Riverside County, CA  CA  Riverside   
SPL-2013-00119-RRS  Naval Base Coronado Bravo Pier Dredging  CA  San Diego  San Diego Bay 
SPL-2013-00190-AJS-JD1  Todd Barranca Dry Weather Crossing CA  Ventura  Santa Clara River (HUC 18070102) / Wheeler Canyon / Todd Barranca 
SPL-2013-00186-TS  Caltrans District 6/9-State Route 395 Haiwee Clear Recovery Zone PM R20.3 to PM R22.3  CA  Inyo  Indian Wells-Searles Valley (HUC 18090205) / Los Angeles Aqueduct 
SPL-2013-00171-AJS-JD1  Vern Freeman Diversion Facility Maintenance RGP  CA  Ventura  Santa Clara RIver (HUC 18070102) / Santa Clara River 
SPL-2013-00147-RRS  San Diego Shipyard Sediment Remediation Project South  CA  San Diego  Pacific Ocean / San Diego Bay 
SPL-2013-00094-BEM  Redondo Beach Energy Project  CA  Los Angeles  Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2013-00083-AJS  Newbury Park Storm Drain No. 2  CA  Ventura  Calleguas (18070103) / Newbury Park Storm Drain #2 
SPL-2013-00065-MWL  Copper Mountain Ranch AJD  AZ  Pinal  Gila River / Unnamed Washes 
SPL-2013-00052  Naval Base Point Loma Boat Dock Replacement  CA  San Diego  San Diego Bay 
SPL-2013-00038-RRS  Silver Strand Training Complex North (Activities #38, 39, 41,42 and Periodic Beach Maintenance)  CA  San Diego  Pacific Ocean & San Diego Bay 
SPL-2012-00917  Jet Dock Installation at Pier 619, Naval Mine & Anti-Submarine Warfare Center  CA  San Diego  San Diego Bay 
SPL-2012-00898-RJD-JD1  Duncan Valley Electric Gila River Crossing  AZ  Greenlee  Gila River 
SPL-2012-00890-AJS  Surfer's Point Beach Nourishment Project  CA  Ventura  Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2012-00861-JWM  Fireboat Station 15 Relocation, Minor Expansion, and Breakwater Installation at Pier F, Port of Long Beach  CA  Los Angeles   
SPL-2012-00847-RJD-JD1  Eagle Creek Riparian Restoration at Filleman Crossing  AZ  Greenlee  Upper Gila-San Carlos Reservoir / Eagle Creek 
SPL-2012-00845-BLR  BNSF Bridge 779.1 Line Segment 7200  CA  San Bernardino  Northern Mojave watershed 
SPL-2012-00698-BEM  Marathon Solar Project  CA San Bernardino  Blackhawk Canyon-Cougar Buttes / Lucene Dry Lake 
SPL-2012-00688-AJS-JD1  Arroyo Simi Habitat Restoration Project  CA  Ventura  Calleguas / Arroyo Simi 
SPL-2012-00606  USCG Boat Ramp Extension CA  San Diego  San Diego Bay 
SPL-2012-00567-PJB-JD1  Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Perish  CA  Riverside   
SPL-2012-00548-MWL  Cyprus Tohono Mine  AZ  Pima  Gila River / Unnamed Washes
SPL-2012-00520-AJS-JD1  SSFL Delineation of NASA property  CA  Ventura  Los Angeles River / COCA drainage 
SPL-2012-00520-AJS-JD2  SSFL Delineation of NASA property  CA  Ventura  Calleguas Creek / ELV Drainage 
SPL-2012-00520-AJS-JD3  SSFL Delineation of NASA property  CA  Ventura  Los Angeles River / Southwest Drainage 
SPL-2012-00520-AJS-JD4 SSFL Delineation of NASA property  CA Ventura  Los Angeles River / SW-2 Pond (isolated) 
SPL-2012-00520-AJS-JD5  SSFL Delineation of NASA property  CA  Ventura  Calleguas / Northern Drainage 
SPL-2012-00520-AJS-JD6  SSFL Delineation of NASA property  CA  Ventura  Calleguas / Newbury Park Storm Drain #2 
SPL-2012-00498-BEM  Agincourt Solar Project  CA San Bernardino Blackhawk Canyon-Cougar Buttes / Lucene Dry Lake 
SPL-2012-00461-BEM  Tentative Tract (TT) 18036  CA  San Bernardino  Goat Mountain-Keys Lake / unnamed depressional area 
SPL-2012-00406-MWL  Powerline, Vineyard Road, & Rittenhouse Flood Retarding Structures Rehab or Replacement Project  AZ  Pinal  Gila River / Unnamed Washes 
SPL-2012-00391-SLP  Kingbird Solar Project  CA  Kern   
SPL-2012-00365-GS  WRDA Warm Creek Basin Fill Project  CA  San Bernardino
Santa Ana River / Warm Creek Basins and tributaries 
SPL-2012-00296-GS  Improvements to Runway 8R-26L Object Free Area at Chino Airport  CA  San Bernardino  San Antonio Channel 
SPL-2012-00030-SLP  Etiwanda Freeway Center  CA  San Bernardino  Santa Ana River Watershed / unnamed drainage 
SPL-2011-01163-BAH-JD1  Careaga Stream Crossing Improvement  CA  Santa Barbara   
SPL-2011-01084-SLP  Sunlight Partners Solar Array Project  CA  Los Angeles  Antelope Valley Watershed (excluding Lake Palmdale and tributaries to Lake Palmdale) 
SPL-2011-01040-SLP  Sydney Peak Stone Mine Expansion ID No. 91-15-0077  CA  Kern  Antelope Valley Watershed 
SPL-2011-1005-RJD  Ripsey Wash  AZ  Pinal Middle Gila / Rispey Rash 
SPL-2011-00982-VCC  CALTRANS - State Route 247 Shoulder Widening Project (PM 1.8 to 9.6)  CA  San Bernardino  Pipes Wash, which flows to Emerson Dry Lake 
SPL-2011-00982-VCC  CALTRANS - State Route 247 Shoulder Widening Project (PM 1.8 to 9.6)  CA San Bernardino  Coyote Dry Lake 
SPL-2011-00847-CO  Soledad Circle Estates, TTM 062343  CA  Los Angeles   
SPL-2011-00711-RJD-JD1  SR 83 MP 14.07 Turkey Creek CMP Replacement (083 T SC 14.1 MN387)  AZ  Santa Cruz  Upper San Pedro, Arizona (15050202) / Turkey Creek 
SPL-2011-00278-RRS  Sycamore Ranch- Knottwood Way Extension & Arch-Bridge Crossing  CA  San Diego  Pacific Ocean / Sycamore Creek 
SPL-2011-00160-MWL  Sierrita Open Pit Copper Mine Expansion--Freeport McMoran Sierrita  AZ  Pima   
SPL-2010-01042-SLP  Soda Mountain Solar Project  CA  San Bernardino  Soda dry lake subwatershed 
SPL-2010-00446-VCC  Interstate 215/Newport Road Interchange  CA  Riverside  Salt Creek / Canyon Lake 
SPL-2008-00950  POLB Maintenance (RGP 28)  CA  Los Angeles   
SPL-2006-01833-MB  Sendero Pass--Tucson 738, LLC  AZ  Pima  Gila River / Unnamed Washes 
SPL-2006-01531-DB  FOOTHILLS WEST  AZ  Maricopa   
Expand List item 8056Collapse List item 8056  2012
DA Number Project Name State County  Watershed/Waterbody 
SPL-2012-00916-JWM  Emergency Repair of Sewer Crossing: Rattlesnake Creek  CA  Santa Barbara   
SPL-2012-00868-JWM Cold Creek Mitigation Site, Mountains Restoration Trust ILF Program CA Los Angeles  
SPL-2012-00837-AJS VCWPD Ormond Beach emergency grooming November 2012 CA Ventura Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2012-00821-AJS Murananka Farm restoration CA Ventura  
SPL-2012-00757-WHM Eldorado Wash Repair AZ Mohave  
SPL-2012-00744-JPL San Juan Creek Bike Trail at PCH 404 Permit Renewal CA Orange  
SPL-2012-00717-AJS  Bellport Anacapa Marine Services Marina Replacement CA Ventura Pacific Ocean
SPL-2012-00680-MBS  Fontaine Street Storm Drain Replacement  CA  San Diego  Rancho Mission Canyon stream located in the Mission Valley-San Diego River Watershed HUC 12 (180706040705) 
SPL-2012-00678-DB  Yavapai County Flood Control District/Wet Beaver Creek (Bridge)  AZ  Yavapai  HUC 15060202 / Wet Beaver Creek 
SPL-2012-00651-MBS Winter Gardens Boulevard Channel Project WRDA 214 - - San Diego River HUC 8 watershed 
SPL-2012-00639 Riverside County EDA, Smith Creek Slope Armoring Project, correctional facility, Banning, CA CA Riverside  
SPL-2012-00610-JWM Dunn-Wineman Pond Restoration and Bank Stabilization, Carillo Creek CA San Luis Obispo  
SPL-2012-00605 Chollas Creek Refueling Station CA San Diego HUC-8 18070304 
SPL-2012-00589 Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center CA San Bernardino Gleghorn Lake 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  Galway Lake 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  Goat Mountain 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  American Mine 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  Bristol Lake 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  Cleghorn Pass 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  Deadman Lake 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  Dry Lake 
SPL-2012-00589 Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  East Mainside 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  East Sunshine 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  Emerson Lake 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  Lavic Lake 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  Mesquite Lake 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  Quackenbush 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  Upper Emerson 
SPL-2012-00589  Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Force Ground Combat Center  CA  San Bernardino  West Sunshine 
SPL-2012-00583-AJS Ventura Harbor Public Launch Ramp Replacement Project CA Ventura Pacific Ocean
SPL-2012-00577-AJS Casitas Municipal Gravity Main Protection Project (reissue) CA Ventura Ventura River (18070101) / San Antonio Creek 
SPL-2012-00571-JWM  Stow Ranch Bank Stabilization, San Pedro Creek  CA  Santa Barbara   
SPL-2012-00557-TS  Caltrans D5 South Coast Highway 101 HOV Project - - Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2012-00557-TS  Caltrans D5 South Coast Highway 101 HOV Project  - Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2012-00553-SJH  CALTRANS San Luis River Park Trail  CA  San Diego  Please refer to JD on SPL-2005-02063-PHT 
SPL-2012-00552-RJD  Salt River Take Out Ramp AZ Gila Salt River
SPL-2012-00546-AJS  Ventura Harbor Inner Harbor Dredging  CA  Ventura  Pacific Oean 
SPL-2012-00538-AJS  City of Ventura Brine Discharge Structure Removal  CA  Ventura Pacific Ocean
SPL-2012-00536-SLP  Antelope Valley Solar Project, Los Angeles County  CA  Los Angeles  Antelope Valley Hydrologic Unit/no waters 
SPL-2012-00522-DPS  Canyon View 1, single family residential development project at 112 South Canyon View Drive)  CA  Los Angeles   
SPL-2012-00515-DPS  Canyon View 2, single family residential development project at 114 South Canyon View Drive  CA  Los Angeles   
SPL-2012-00495  Greenville Banning (DO3) Interim Toe of Slope Repair CA  Orange   
SPL-2012-00490  Sycamore Creek TR 31908, Helix, Starfield, Outfall Structure Splash Pad, Riverside County, CA  CA  Riverside   
SPL-2012-00485-BLR  Cole/Whitesides Residence dock replacement  CA  San Diego   
SPL-2012-00455  Wakerider Beach Resort, floating dock, beach nourishment, Lake Elsinore, Riverside County, CA  CA  Riverside   
SPL-2012-00416-SJH  Caltrans I-5/Genesee Interchange Project  CA  San Diego  Please refer to JD on SPL-2004-01089-SJH 
SPL-2012-00411-BLR  Ashley 5494 Residence Dock Replacement Project  CA Los Angeles   
SPL-2012-00408-SME  Tentative Parcel Map 36440--Murrieta, Riverside County, CA  CA  Riverside  Santa Margarita Watershed/Santa Gertrudis Creek 
SPL-2012-00374-RRS  Navy SPAWAR Elevator Boat Lifts at Pier 160 - Naval Base Point Loma  CA  San Diego  San Diego / San Diego Bay, Navy Boat Channel 
SPL-2012-00359  Desert Harvest Solar Project JD, near Desert Center, Ford Dry Lake, Riverside County, CA  CA  Riverside   
SPL-2012-00358-AJS  Emergency bank protection on Laguna Road, NBVC Point Mugu CA  Ventura  Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2012-00351-BLR  Thacker Residence dock replacement and minor expansion  CA  Los Angeles   
SPL-2012-00299-BLR  601 Lido, Newport Harbor, CA. Replace existing "U" floating dock system  CA  Orange   
SPL-2012-00266-SLP  Copper Hill and McBean Parkway New Trail Head  CA  Los Angeles  Santa Clara River Watershed/no waters 
SPL-2012-00248  City/County Linda Isle Harbor Island Maintenance Dredging Project  CA  Orange  HUC-8 18070204 
SPL-2012-00246 Newport Marina Maintenance  Dredging Project  CA  Orange  HUC-8 18070204 
SPL-2012-00245  Linda Isle Contaminated Sediment Removal Project (Section 10 LOP)  CA  Orange   
SPL-2012-00224  Menifee Heights Tract 32277, JD, City of Menifee, Riverside County, CA  CA  Riverside   
SPL-2012-00214-SLP  SCE Antelope Transmission Line Project: TRTP Segment #3B  Antelope Valley Hydrologic Unit; Fremont Valley Hydrologic Unit/various unnamed wetland and non-wetland waters
SPL-2012-00206  Outfall and Utility Repair, Coachella Storm Channel, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Riverside County, CA  CA  Riverside  
SPL-2012-00198  Olson Residence  CA  Orange   
SPL-2012-00196-SAM  SR-241 Tesoro Toll Road Extension Project  CA Orange

 Summary of jurisdiction for the propsed project;

JD Forms

SPL-2012-00179-JWM  Pier F/Pier J Fiber Optic Cable Channel Crossing  CA  Los Angeles   
SPL-2012-00178-DPS  Little Tujunga Canyon Road over Pacoima Creek  CA  Los Angeles  
SPL-2012-00176-DPS  Iowa Street Bridge (between Orange and Citrus) Channel Restoration  CA  San Bernardino   
SPL-2012-00172-RRS  West Mission Bay Bridge - Caltrans/City of San Diego  CA  San Diego  San Diego / San Diego River 
SPL-2012-00148-AJS  Port Hueneme Tide Gate Repair (gate no. PH-5035)  CA  Ventura  Pacific Ocean
SPL-2012-00147-JWM  Interim Fireboat Station No. 20 Dock Relocation Project, Port of Long Beach  CA  Los Angeles   
SPL-2012-00136-SLP  2012 BNSF Bridge Renewal Projects: Bristol Lake and Dry Lake Watersheds  CA  San Bernardino  Bristol Lake and Dry Lake Watersheds/entire Bristol Lake and Dry Lake Watersheds 
SPL-2012-00132-AJS  Ventura Harbor sand trap emergency dredging  CA  Ventura  Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2012-00076-JWM  Storm water outfall relocation, Gerald Desmond Bridge project, Port of Long Beach  CA  Los Angeles   
SPL-2012-00069  39th Annual Newport Boat Show, April 19th to April 22nd, 2012 and 34th Annual  Lido Yacht Expo, September  27 to September 30, 2012  CA  Orange   
SPL-2012-00018-GS  Victor-Phelan Photovoltaic Electrical Generation Facilities  Mojave Watershed 
SPL-2011-01182  KB Home- La Rivera Surface Drainage Improvements  CA  Riverside   
SPL-2011-01160-SLP  Shell Carson Revitalization Project  CA  Los Angeles  Santa Monica Bay Watershed/unnamed waters 
SPL-2011-01137-SLP  Sheep Creek Channelization Project  CA  San Bernardino  Sheep Creek Watershed/Sheep Creek 
SPL-2011-01055-JPL  Cassell Dock Replacement at 319 East Bay Front  CA  Orange   
SPL-2011-01051-SLP  Stateline Solar Farm CA  San Bernardino  Ivanpah Lake Watershed/various unnamed non-wetland waers 
SPL-2011-01036-RJV  San Pasqual Academy Drainage  CA  San Diego  San Luis Rey River watershed/an unnamed tributary to Santa Ysabel Creek 
SPL-2011-01003  McCalla Boat Dock Expansion  CA  Orange   
SPL-2011-00526-SCH  Caltrans:Interstate 5 HOV Estension Project (Between Avenida Pico and San Juan Creek Road)  CA  Orange  San Juan Creek and San Clemente Coastal Streams Watersheds
SPL-2011-00519-GS  Rising Tree Wind Farm Project  Oak Creek, Rogers/Rosamond Dry Lakes 
SPL-2011-00463-SME  43 Linda Isle Maintenance Dredging Project--Newport Beach, Orange County, CA  CA  Orange  Newport Bay-Frontal Pacific Ocean Watershed/Newport Bay 
SPL-2011-00381-JWM  Restoration of Native Oysters - Ostrea lurida - in Alamitos Bay  CA  Los Angeles   
SPL-2011-00249-SME  RGP 54-Maintenance Dredging in Newport Bay--Newport Beach, Orange County, CA  CA  Orange  Newport Bay-Frontal Pacific Ocean Watershed/Newport Bay 
SPL-2011-00247-SME  Niguel Shores Revetment Rehabilitation Project--Dana Point, Orange County, CA  CA  Orange  Salt Creek-Frontal Gulf of Santa Catalina Watershed/Pacific Ocean 
SPL-2011-00171-GS  Barstow Sanitary Landfill Project  CA  San Bernardino  unnamed sub-watershed of Mojave watershed 
SPL-2010-00354-WHM  Gregory Canyon Landfill Project  CA  San Diego  San Luis Rey River 
SPL-2009-00315-MB  Underground Copper Mine--Resolution Copper Mining  AZ Pinal  Queen Creek 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD1 Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River Watershed / Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD2  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD3  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD4  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD5  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD6  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD7  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River Watershed / Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD8  Interstate 710 Corridor Project CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD9  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD10  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD11  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD12 Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD13  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD14  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD15  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD16  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD17  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD18  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD19  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-JD20  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2008-00934-SAM-LA_River  Interstate 710 Corridor Project  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River 
SPL-2007-01449-VCC  Caltrans Realignment and Widening of SR 58 via Hinkley  Unnamed Tributaries to Harper Dry Lake 
SPL-2007-00919-PHT  Newell Street Sewer Siphon  CA  Los Angeles  Los Angeles River Watershed/no waters 
SPL-2006-01958-VCC  DesertXpress High-Speed Rail Project (Victorville, San Bernardino County, CA)  CA  San Bernardino  Ivanpah Dry Lake Watershed 
SPL-2004-01097-BEM Advanced Steel Recovery, Inc. -stormwater outfall  CA  San Bernardino  Middle Santa Ana River/West Fontana Channel