The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers performs periodic maintenance of the Marsh including dredging of accumulated sediments near the area’s inlets, habitat management in the form of debris (trash) removal, removal of invasive species, and planting to reduce erosive processes along the channel banks and adjacent Santa Ana River levee.
Orange County Public Works is responsible for operation and maintenance of the adjacent Santa Ana River levee, tidal gates and outlet pipes and drains along the levee. Orange County Sanitation District maintains a wastewater pipeline under the access road that separates the upper and lower portions of the Marsh.
The City of Newport Beach operates an oil production facility within the marsh and is also responsible for maintenance of Semeniuk Slough which connects to the Marsh on the east side.
All USACE maintenance and monitoring activities are performed between Sept. 16 to Feb. 14 to avoid nesting season except for eelgrass monitoring, breeding bird monitoring, tidal range monitoring, and fence maintenance. Eelgrass monitoring will occur during the peak growth season in spring and summer months. Tidal range monitoring occurs in July to capture larger tides and limited rainfall. To avoid habitat damage due to trespassing, fence maintenance may occur during nesting season in the presence of a trained ornithologist.
Routine maintenance activities and frequencies are listed in the table below:
Activity Description:
Trash and Debris Clearing
1 year
Weeding and Vegetation Control
1 year
Fencing Inspection and Repairs
1 year
Tide Gate, Drains and Outlets Inspection and Repairs
1 year
Public Stakeholder Coordination
1 year
Water Quality Monitoring
1 year
Tidal Range Monitoring
1 year
Breeding and Wintering Bird Monitoring
1 year
Topographic/Bathymetric Monitoring Surveys
2-3 years
Biological Species Inventory
5-6 years
Watershed Mapping
5-6 years
Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping
5-6 years
CRAM Assessments
5-6 years
Eelgrass Monitoring
5-6 years
Benthic Invertebrate Monitoring
5-6 years
Tidal Channel Dredging
10-15 years*
Tidal Channel Dredging Environmental Assessment
10-15 years*
Water Quality Emergency Response
As needed
*Frequency of tidal channel dredging tasks are dependent on the results of the topographic, bathymetric, and tidal monitoring surveys. Current trends show dredging will be required every 10-15 years.
Recent and Upcoming Activities
Tidal Water Level Monitoring
Completed in December 2023
Environmental Assessment Public Review
Completed in January 2024