Project Description
The Orange County Beach Erosion Control Project from San Gabriel River to Newport Bay (commonly referred to as Surfside Sunset is a mitigation project, designed as remediation for beach erosion damage largely incident to Federal flood control, navigation, and defense projects, with the mitigation meant to last as long as necessary and requires justification prior to each new cycle/Stage. The project restores the 17 miles of coastline from the mouth of the San Gabriel River down coast to the Newport Bay Harbor entrance. The project provides periodic beach nourishment of approximately 1.8 million cubic yards of sand every five years. The project is authorized by Rivers and Harbors Act of 1962, Section 101, P.L. 87-874, 23OCT62 (76 Stat, 1177). Re-informed by WRDA 2000. Section 551 dated 11DEC00.
Stage 13 Periodic Nourishment
Stage 13 construction will place approximately 1.1 million cubic yards of sand on the Surfside Beach area. The proposed beach will be about 4,500 feet in length, and between 350 and 900 feet in width. About 100,000 cubic yards will be backpassed from Newport beach. The borrow site will be adjacent to the Santa Ana River.
The Supplemental Environmental Assessment (EA) Addendum and FONSI were completed and signed on Oct. 6, 2023.
The project is currently in the Construction phase and the contract was awarded to Manson Construction on Oct. 17, 2023. The Notice to Proceed was issued on Oct. 24, 2023. Construction is estimated to begin at the Newport backpassing on Nov. 20, 2023, and Surfside placement on Nov. 27, 2023. Construction is estimated to conclude by the end of February 2024.
Point of Contact:
USACE Project Manager
Susie Ming, P.E.
Phone: (213) 452-3789