Additional Information

Questions or comments concerning the Draft IFR may be directed to:

Chief, Planning Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Los Angeles District
915 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90017-3401 


Phone: (213) 452-3798
FAX: (213) 452-4204

Aliso Creek Mainstem Ecosystem Restoration Study

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), in cooperation with Orange County Public Works, Orange County, California announces the availability of a Draft Integrated Feasibility Report (Draft IFR) including the Feasibility Report, Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Aliso Creek Mainstem Ecosystem Restoration Study, Orange County, California for review and comment. The study evaluates opportunities for restoring degraded aquatic and riparian ecosystem structure and function, riverine and floodplain system connectivity, stream channel stability and protection of critical public infrastructure, including both regional water supply and wastewater conveyance pipelines along the lower Aliso Creek Mainstem in Orange County, California. A Notice of Intent to prepare the Draft EIS was published on April 9, 2009 in the Federal Register. A public scoping meeting was conducted on May 7, 2009 in the City of Mission Viejo, California.

The Federal lead agency responsible for implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is the Corps. The local lead agency responsible for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is the Orange County Public Works.

The Draft IFR evaluates the alternatives carried forward for detailed environmental analysis. The environmental consequences related to the proposed project and other alternatives are addressed in the Draft IFR. This document is written in compliance with NEPA, CEQA, and other applicable environmental laws and regulations.