Safety First!

Keep yourself safe when visiting the many public facilities in the reservoir by being aware if the potential for storms is being forecast. The Reservoir is designed to hold back large quantities of water and can fill very quickly. Check the local weather forecast before enjoying the many recreational opportunities in and around the reservoir.
Environmental Resources

The Corps evaluates environmental effects of all actions taken at the Dam and in the Reservoir. Biological surveys are conducted in the Reservoir throughout the year by the Corps and the Corps partner agencies.
Many wildlife species are found within the Reservoir. The open water areas found in the Reservoir attract waterfowl and shorebirds such as great egrets (Ardea) and ruddy ducks (Oxyura jamaicensis). Riparian and upland habitats host a diversity of passerine species such as black phoebe (Sayornis nigricans) and California towhee (Melozone crissalis). Bat species are also present and use the Reservoir for roosting, breeding, or as year-round residents. Only two amphibians are common, including the California toad and Pacific tree frog. Dry upland areas host common lizard and snake species.
Native vegetation identified in the Reservoir includes sandbar, narrowleaf, and coyote willow (493.9 acres or 34.0% of the Reservoir), California sagebrush (146.4 acres or 10.1% of the Reservoir), black sage (4.3 acres or 0.3% of the Reservoir), and California broomsage (4.6 acres or 0.3% of the Reservoir).
Maintenance Activities
The Corps engages in routine maintenance activities within the operational areas of the Reservoir year round to maintain the operational capacity of the project. As congressionally appropriated funding allows, the Corps works to upgrade aging structures and systems. Annual maintenance activities at US Army Corps of Engineers operated dams include grading of access roads, vegetation removal, and an annual safety inspection. In addition, the control house, gates, and all mechanical and electrical equipment is checked at each dam to make sure that it is functioning in accordance with the Dam Operations Manual. Graffiti removal, clearing of debris and sediment, and additional repairs are performed to maintain the facility.
Review Upcoming Proposed Actions
To review public notices on our upcoming proposed maintenance activities please visit the Public Notice postings page or click the “Public Notice” link found in the navigational side bar.
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Let us know by clicking the “Contact” button in the navigation bar and choose Operations Division as the recipient.
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