Fact Sheet

Continuing Authorities Program - Pismo Beach, CA

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District
Published April 14, 2023

The study area is situated within the upper reach of San Luis Bay, which is a hook-shaped shoreline that extends south, from Port San Luis to the County line for about 21 miles. Six sites in Pismo Beach were identified as chronically erosional and at each site continuous bluff recession has jeopardized existing street rights-of-way, infrastructure, and other public improvements. Due to the statutory CAP Section 103 funding limits and the City’s emergency work, the proposed project has been narrowed to one critical erosion site: the St. Andrews sewer lift station. A sculpted seawall protection measure was instituted at the base of the bluff. This was done to stabilize them from long-term ocean derived erosion.

AUTHORIZATION:P.L. 87-874 - Rivers and Harbors Act of Flood Control Act of 1962. CAP Section 103 Max Federal Limit is $10M

ACTIVITIES FOR FY 2023: A latent defect near the staircase was identified. Work with the City to credit LEERDs and determine remaining funds. Pending sufficient remaining funds, issue an RFP to fix the latent defect.

FY 2024 PLANNED ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Complete physical and financial close out.

ISSUES AND OTHER INFORMATION: The Los Angeles District completed the project in DEC18. Outstanding REAs on the construction contract are still pending. The final walk through inspection required a modification of the handrail and it was completed in FEB20. A latent defect was determined upon final inspection. A modification is proposed, and remaining funding would be used to award RFP.

As of: 1 Mar 23
FINANCIAL SUMMARY:                D&I
Estimated Federal Cost             $3,561,000
Estimated Non-Federal Cost          $1,837,000
Total Estimated Project Cost          $5,398,000
Allocation thru FY22               $3,561,000

President’s Budget for FY 23               $0
Conference Add for FY23                 $0
Approved IIJA FY 23                   $0
Workplan for FY 23                    $0
President’s Budget for FY24              TBD
Approved IIJA FY24                TBD
Workplan for FY24                 TBD
Balance to Complete After FY24           $0

CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Senators Butler and Padilla; Representative Carbajal (CA-24)

Congressional Liaison