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1. Is your project located in California?

2. Is the project owned by a public entity (i.e. City, Town, Municipality (i.e. Waste Water District, Potable Water District)?

3. Is your project a water-related environmental infrastructure project?

  • Wastewater treatment and related facilities
  • Water supply and related facilities
  • Environmental infrastructure and resource protection
  • Surface water resource protection and development

4. Do you require technical, planning or design assistance to develop your project?

5. The proposed project is NOT, or will NOT be connected to another Federal Agency or USACE project.

NOTE: Financial assistance (i.e. Cost Sharing/Grants) from another Federal Agency is authorized.

6. Must provide all lands, easements, rights-of-way, relocations and dredged material disposal areas (LERRDs) needed for project construction and maintenance.

7. Responsible for all project operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and rehabilitation costs when the project is completed.

8. If you answered yes to these questions, then proceed to the