Fact Sheet

O&M - Painted Rock Dam, AZ

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District
Published April 19, 2023

Located about 20 miles NW of Gila Bend, AZ, and 120 miles SW of Phoenix, AZ. Project elements being  operated and maintained: Dam (earth fill; 181-feet high: 4,780-feet long); Saddle Dike Outlet Works (circular conduit);  spillway (detached); Pilot Channel Reservoir (2,491,493-acre-foot cap spillway crest – 1977); and One recreation area (downstream at borrow pit area). This recreation area is closed by the State of Arizona due to contaminated water.

AUTHORIZATION: Flood Control Act of 1950.

ACTIVITIES FOR FY 2023: Funds will be used for the following Funds will be used for legal or policy mandated minimum level operational and maintenance activities; water control and management, including data analysis; water control manual update, cultural programmatic; Tribal MOU; environmental stewardship activities and recreation management; monitoring the contract to complete electrical system update in the control tower; monitoring the contract to complete mapping the measuring relief wells, completing the Water Control Manual update, and water instrumentation maintenance. SRP funds were received and will be used to develop a perennial wetland upstream of the facility. Additional funds could be used for constructing the elevator replacement designed in FY22, designing an access road to the relief wells, fixing the unusable bathroom in the control house, a survey of the dam crest, development of the IRRMP, relief well testing, dam safety oversight and an update to the 1960’s master plan.

IIJA ACTIVITIES: Replacing a broken staff board and designing the repair to the eroded concrete of the outlet conduit.

FY 2024 PLANNED ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Optimal funding could be used for the following inspection of land for hazardous materials and monitoring of the pesticide/insecticide contamination levels; developing the IRRMP, completing the programmatic agreement with the SHPO as well as the MOU with the Tribes; updating the Master Plan; replacement of the outdated and frequently malfunctioning dam control tower elevator (design completed); installing a new road to provide easier access to the relief wells, fixing the unusable bathroom in the control house, replacing the water well pump system, repairing the leaks in the dam tender homes, relief well testing, and water instrumentation maintenance.

ISSUES AND OTHER INFORMATION: Fully operational since April 1959, this is a DSAC 1 dam that has been classified as moderate risk. The flood risk management project is reaching over 58 years of service and requires rehabilitation of major dam components, such as motors and generators, before structural and component failure at the project. The Corps will continue to work closely with Dam/Levee safety to coordinate interim risk measures and will continue to pursue funding to support the needed repairs and upgrades to the major dam components. The service elevator requires constant maintenance and is reaching the end of its useful life. Failure of the service elevator could adversely affect regular operations. The stream-gage downstream from the dam cannot provide accurate flow measurements because the control weir was installed too high when it was rebuilt in the 1990’s, causing water to pond near the outlet works for the dam. It must be modified to become fully serviceable again, as well as to reduce ponding. Electronic and telephone communication can be unreliable between the LA District office and operators at the Dam, particularly during inclement weather events.

As of 01 MAR 23

Estimated Federal Cost            $ 1,885,500

Estimated Non-Federal Cost                              0
Total Estimated Project Cost           $ 1,885,000

Allocation thru FY22           $ 2,521,640
President’s Budget for FY23      $ 1,039,500 1/
Conference Add for FY23                           $0
Approved IIJA FY23              $ 250,000
Workplan for FY23               $596,000
President's Budget for FY24      $ 2,888,880 2/
Approved IIJA FY24              $ 985,000
Workplan for FY24                        TBD
Balance to Complete After FY24                         N/A
1/ Decreased 1% from $ 1,050,000
2/ Decreased 1% from $ 2,312,000

CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Senator Kelly and Sinema, Representative Grijalva (AZ-03)




Congressional Liaison