South Pacific Division commander tours Fort Irwin flood damage
FORT IRWIN, Calif.—-Brig. Gen. David Turner, commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers South Pacific Division, and Los Angeles District leadership toured flood-damaged areas of Fort Irwin Sept. 19. The Los Angeles District sent a team of more than 70 engineering and technical support professionals to the fort to assess damage and provide recovery operations after flooding from a monsoon-like storm covered the post with mud and debris Aug. 25. After the tour, Turner visited with post and garrison officials and personally thanked Corps responders and Fort Irwin Department of Public Works staff for their efforts. “It gives me great pleasure to recognize the efforts of this joint team of professionals,” Turner said. “I know your hard work will help bring this post back on line and ready for the upcoming rotation.” Turner presented several team members with Commander’s Coins of Excellence for their efforts.