
Corps partners with multiple agencies to improve health of Lake Elsinore
Partners of the Lake Elsinore Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Study meet virtually June 7, 2021, to commemorate the signing of a Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement, which kicked off the project. Pictured (left top to right bottom): Top row: Jason Uhley, general manager and chief engineer for the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District; Col. Julie Balten, LA District commander; Daria Mazey, project manager and lead planner with the Regional Continuing Authorities Program Production Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and Lake Elsinore Mayor Bob Magee. Middle Row: Darrell Buxton, chief of the Civil Works Branch for the LA District; (together) General Manager Greg Thomas, Director Phil Williams, and Government Relations Officer Greg Morrison of the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District; Elizabeth Fiocchi, chief of Programs and Project Controls with the LA District; and Jason Simpson, Lake Elsinore city manager. Bottom row: Rep. Ken Calvert of the 42nd Congressional District; Michael Luecker, planner with the LA District; and Nicole Dailey, assistant to the city manager of Lake Elsinore.

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Photo by: Stephen Baack |  VIRIN: 210607-A-UT290-0001.PNG