Public Notices

A public notice is the primary method for advising all interested parties of a proposed activity for which a permit is sought. Soliciting comments and information necessary to evaluate the probable impacts on the public interest. Public notices are also published to inform the public about new or proposed regulations, policies, guidance or permit procedures.  

Public Notices published by the Los Angeles District are posted on these three pages. There are two types of Public Notices; Regulatory and Project Public Notices. Comments are due by the expiration date of the public notice. 

Only comments submitted by email or in hard copy format through a delivery service, such as the U.S. Postal Service, can be accepted.   Comments must be submitted to the address listed in the public notice.

Public Notice Manager

SPL-2017-00004-ELJ BNSF Final SEA

Published May 22, 2017
Expiration date: 12/31/2017

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has completed a Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment/ Environmental Impact Report Addendum (SEA/EIR Addendum) for the Reach 9 BNSF bridge protection feature of the Santa Ana River Mainstem Project.  The public review period for the draft SEA/EIR Addendum document was from April 14 to May 12, 2017.  This SEA/EIR Addendum addresses minor changes to BNSF bridge design that have emerged since the 2015 SEA, to include an expanded permanent project footprint (minor expansion of the bridge piers and abutment wall), modifications to the temporary construction/staging work areas on both the east and west side of the Santa Ana River, re-alignment of a permanent maintenance access road closer to the Green River Mobile Home Park, and design refinements to accommodate additional project features, such as the addition of permanent survey monuments.

The project area is located within a portion of the Santa Ana River floodplain known as Reach 9, and is within the City of Corona.  Construction of the proposed features is anticipated to occur over three years beginning in the fall of 2017.

Public comments were considered and have been addressed in Appendix B of this document.  If you have any further questions regarding this project, please contact Christopher Jones, Project Biologist at (213) 304-6234 or via e-mail at