FORT IRWIN, Calif.-The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District teamed with officials and contractors at the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, to break ground for the MQ-1C Gray Eagle Unmanned Aircraft System facility construction project Jan. 12.
The contract calls for the construction of a 52,000 square foot hangar, repair shops, company administration offices, aircraft container storage, and vehicle parking area. Repairs will be made to existing runway, taxiway and access apron.
“This project is one that will make a significant contribution to the National Training Center’s ability to conduct tough and realistic training,” said Col. Kirk Gibbs, Los Angeles District commander. “The Los Angeles District Fort Irwin Team pushed hard to award this contract.”
According to Capt. Jason King, a project officer with the Los Angeles District’s Fort Irwin Team, the Gray Eagle is the Army’s medium altitude, long endurance UAS that provides combatant commanders a real-time responsive capability to conduct persistent wide-area reconnaissance and other mission capabilities.
“What you see here today is the realization of several years of work and effort,” said Col. G. Scott Taylor, the garrison commander at Fort Irwin. “In fact, one of my very first stops as I assumed command of the garrison was to come out here [the current facility] and check out our interim solution for training, because we cannot delay training until we can bring all the parts and pieces together.”
The current and future facility is located on NASA’s Goldstone Deep Space Communications complex, which is co-located next to the NTC.
The District awarded a $26 million contract to Cox Construction of Vista, California, for the construction of the facility October 2015. Construction is scheduled for completion in fall 2017.
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