News Story Archive

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Archive: November, 2016
  • November

    Honoring our local Vets

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District employees and family members participate in the Los Angeles “America’s Parade” on Veterans Day, Nov. 11 to celebrate the service of our local Veterans.
  • LA River workshop engages public in open dialogue

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District held a public workshop on Nov. 7 at the Friendship Auditorium to discuss the Corps’ flood risk management activities, safety, non-native vegetation removal, river access and other topics relevant to the Los Angeles River within the area referred to as “Glendale Narrow.”
  • Oceanside Harbor dredging comes to a close

    The Oceanside Harbor navigational dredging project concluded Monday, October 31, with the contractor reporting having dredged close to the 260,000 cubic yards identified in the contract. The Corps will conduct a post-dredging survey to more accurately determine how much material the contractor dredged within the designated dredge area.