Fact Sheet

Continuing Authorities Program - Carpinteria Shoreline, CA

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District
Published April 14, 2023

The City of Carpinteria is located on the Santa Barbara County coast, 80 miles north of Los Angeles, 15 miles north of Ventura, and 12 miles south of Santa Barbara. The study reach is approx. 1,300 feet of shoreline. The State beach borders the southern limit of the reach and the Carpinteria Marsh borders the northern limit. There are nearly 13 structures within the reach that are directly affected by shoreline erosion and wave attacks. The structures behind the fronting properties may be affected by coastal flooding during storms. The study will investigate shoreline protection and coastal storm damage reduction along the Carpinteria shoreline.

AUTHORIZATION: P.L. 87-874– Rivers & Harbors Act of 1962/Flood Control Act of 1962. CAP Sec 103 Max Fed Limit is $10M

ACTIVITIES FOR FY 2023: FCSA signed on 31JAN23. Continued work on the development of the Project Management Plan (PMP) and efforts toward the Tentatively Selected Plan (TSP) Milestone.

IIJA ACTIVITIES: Continue plan formulation of the Section 103 CAP study for Carpinteria Shoreline.

Planned carryover funds will be used to continue Feasibility Phase of CAP project.

ISSUES AND OTHER INFORMATION: In 2001, several structures were threatened by recurring erosion. Estimated erosion rates of 5 feet/year by the Corps indicated that structures may be destroyed within the near future. The continued erosion will also limit recreational opportunities at Carpinteria, known unofficially as the safest beach in the world. The Carpinteria Shoreline study is a strong candidate site for beneficial reuse of maintenance dredge material from neighboring Ventura Harbor.

As of: 1 Mar 23 FEASIBILITY

Estimated Federal Cost           $1,100,000
Estimated Non-Federal Cost        $1,100,000
Total Estimated Project Cost        $2,200,000
Allocation thru FY22              $725,000

President’s Budget for FY23              $0
Conference Add for FY23              $0
Approved IIJA FY23                 $0
Workplan for FY23                  $0
President’s Budget for FY24             $0
Approved IIJA FY24                 $0
Workplan for FY24                 TBD
Balance to Complete After FY24       $375,000

CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Representative Carbajal (CA-24)

Congressional Liaison