The City of Desert Hot Springs is located in Riverside County, California approximately 110 miles east of Los Angeles. The proposed work would help to protect one of the premier groundwater resources in the country. It would do this by collecting and treating wastewater and abatement of septic systems that threaten the high-quality groundwater aquifer. This project would also help create a sufficient stream of recycled wastewater for a proposed power generation plant.
AUTHORIZATION: WRDA 1992, Section 219 (c) amended by Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2001, Section 108 (a) (23). WRDA 2007, Section 5006 (12).
ACTIVITIES FOR FY 2023: Continue design of Areas A and G collection systems, update Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) to include current language for Section 219 projects.
FY 2024 PLANNED ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Optimal funding could be used to continue implementation of water treatment facilities in coordination with the sponsor. With sufficient funding we will construct Areas J-2-1 and J-2-2.
ISSUES AND OTHER INFORMATION: Area J – Construction of approximately 37,000 linear ft. of vitrified clay pipe (VCP) sewer main pipeline and approximately 24,000 ft. of VCP sewer lateral pipeline for approximately 500 parcels.
As of: 1 Mar 23
Estimated Federal Cost $35,000,000
Estimated Non-Federal Cost $12,000,000
Total Estimated Project Cost $47,000,000
Allocation thru FY22 $2,200,000
President’s Budget for FY23 $0
Conference Add for FY23 $800,000 Approved IIJA FY23 $0
Workplan for FY23 $0
President’s Budget for FY24 $0
Approved IIJA FY24 $0
Workplan for FY24 TBD
Balance to Complete After FY24 $32,000,000
CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Senators Butler and Padilla; Representative Ruiz (CA-25)