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Workshops provide guidance for Prado Basin Master Plan update

Published July 25, 2017
Wendy Loeffler, a project manager with RECON Environmental, provides an overview of the Master Plan’s objectives and a description of the types of input study managers are seeking.

Wendy Loeffler, a project manager with RECON Environmental, provides an overview of the Master Plan’s objectives and a description of the types of input study managers are seeking.

Corps archeologist Danielle Storey (center) facilitates discussion among representatives from flood control and water conservation districts, public works and utilities agencies, parks departments and the cities of Corona and Eastvale to ensure their concerns are considered in the update.

Corps archeologist Danielle Storey (center) facilitates discussion among representatives from flood control and water conservation districts, public works and utilities agencies, parks departments and the cities of Corona and Eastvale to ensure their concerns are considered in the update.

Corps biologist Hayley Lovan (standing at left) explains some of the environmental concerns that affect proposed projects within the basin.

Corps biologist Hayley Lovan (standing at left) explains some of the environmental concerns that affect proposed projects within the basin.

Input from workshop attendees helped identify current infrastructure and recreational assets in the basin and proposed projects whose impacts are important to consider in developing the updated Master Plan.

Input from workshop attendees helped identify current infrastructure and recreational assets in the basin and proposed projects whose impacts are important to consider in developing the updated Master Plan.

EASTVALE, Calif. – The Los Angeles District conducted two public workshops with local government agencies, residents and stakeholders on July 13 here at the Eastvale Community Center in order to seek input on existing and future land uses within the Prado Dam basin in support of the Master Plan update.

Authorized by Congress in 1936 and completed in 1941, Prado Dam’s primary authorized purpose is flood risk management. Congress has added secondary authorized purposes for water conservation, recreation and environmental stewardship.

Wendy Loeffler, a project manager with RECON Environmental, began the workshops with an overview of the Master Plan’s objectives and a description of the types of input study managers are seeking. The presentation provided a review of the need for the Master Plan update based on current conditions, as well as being a guide to future land uses within the basin.

The two participatory workshops sought input verbally, on comments cards and sketched on maps from those stakeholders with facilities, recreational assets, and environmental and water resources interests in and around the basin.

The workshops focused on landscape changes in the basin. Attendees, including Corps representatives, provided information on a variety of factors.

“We were very appreciative for how many people showed up and participated,” said Corps biologist Hayley Lovan.  “We were fortunate to have not just agencies with whom we frequently work, but also members from the community who were able to provide different perspectives about the study for us to consider.”

The input from attendees included information about sensitive biological resources in the area, the increase in visitation and the variety of recreation opportunities, the changing profile of adjacent land uses, the increase in development intensity, considerations related to modifications to Prado Dam and associated construction within other areas within the basin, the designation and restoration of lands as flood control mitigation assets, changes in recreation trail planning and implementation, and proposed habitat restoration and expanded water conservation.

Input from workshop attendees will help identify current infrastructure and recreational assets in the basin and proposed projects whose impacts are important to consider in developing the updated Master Plan. Corps planners will use the Master Plan to assess the current and proposed future land uses, as they must support, and not impact, the effectiveness of Corps’ flood risk management facilities in and around Prado basin.

The time and location of a third stakeholder meeting has not yet been determined.

For additional information on the Prado Basin Master Plan update, please visit: