VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Rep. Lois Capps joined Vandenberg family members and senior leaders for the dedication of the base's new child development center May 11. Representing the District were John Keever, chief of the Los Angeles District Construction Division and Debra Ford, chief of the District's Military Branch and the Corps' base project delivery team; Priscilla Perry, Project Manager and Valencia Wynn, Construction Representative.
"This is a great day for the Vandenberg Air Force Base family and I stress the word 'family,'" said Capps. "For those who are serving in harm's way... I know from conversations with many of them... that the number one thing on their mind is; is my family well, are my children thriving."
Capps spent 20-years as a nurse and public health advocate for the Santa Barbara School District and has served her district since March 17, 1998.
"This child development center is a matter of local pride because this community is very proud of the relationship that we all have with the base," added Capps. "We want the best for their families."
Staff Sgt. Francesca Fleming is a military mom who liked what she saw at the new facility.
"Safety! I like that the playgrounds are right outside the door, they have eyes on the children," said Fleming. "And art, my daughter loves art, that’s something I know she's going to go straight to and express herself more freely here."
The $9.7 million, 23,390-square-foot facility consolidates the CDC's operations into one building while nearly doubling the floor space of the previous facilities. Infants from six weeks, pre-toddler, toddler and pre-school children enjoy rooms, furnishings and outdoor play areas that are age appropriate in design and features.
"Classrooms are organized with various learning centers that provide specific age groups with the appropriate toys and activities designated to enhance their learning and developmental skills," said Wynn. "It has been a pleasure to witness the overwhelming joy and appreciation that the director, staff and families have expressed for the new CDC."
The facility is set to open for business May 21.