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Future leaders kick off 2013 program

Published Jan. 9, 2013
“Good vision and directing are the essence of leadership,” Col. Mark Toy tells Tier I and Tier II participants at the 2013 Leadership Development Program kickoff held Jan. 8 at the Los Angeles District headquarters.

“Good vision and directing are the essence of leadership,” Col. Mark Toy tells Tier I and Tier II participants at the 2013 Leadership Development Program kickoff held Jan. 8 at the Los Angeles District headquarters.

LOS ANGELES – “The most important qualities for a leader are to have a vision and to show people you care,” Col. Mark Toy said to 20 Tier I and Tier II members of Los Angeles District Leadership Development Program during the kick-off meeting held Jan. 8 at the District’s headquarters in downtown Los Angeles.

“Now is the time to start your journey for the leadership position you ultimately see yourself in,” he told the new participants. “Leaders take a thirty-thousand-foot view of a situation and ask, ‘How can I make it better?’”

Tomas Beauchamp-Hernandez, a Tier I facilitator, briefed the new participants on the mentor-selecting process.

“Think of it as dating,” he said, telling them not to be discouraged if their initial choice didn’t seem to be a good fit. “Find the mentor who’s right for you.”

Toy commended the prospective leaders for deciding to be part of the program and said their participation could help them become branch, section or division chiefs within the District or beyond.

Toy emphasized his command philosophy.

“People are the foundation for everything we do,” he said. “If we provide the proper training and facilities for them to be successful, then people will accomplish our #1 goal: project and program execution. In Los Angeles, we are Building Strong and Taking Care of People.”