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District employee recognized for life's work

Published Aug. 12, 2016
Steve Dwyer, chief, Navigation and Coastal Projects Branch, of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District speaks to job seekers at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering Job Fair February 2012.

Steve Dwyer, chief, Navigation and Coastal Projects Branch, of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District speaks to job seekers at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering Job Fair February 2012.

LOS ANGELES -- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District employee Steve Dwyer, chief, Navigation and Coastal Projects Branch, was honored in July by the Metropolitan Los Angeles Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers. They recognized Dwyer with the 2016 ASCE MLAB Lifetime Achievement in Civil Engineering award.

Dwyer was recognized for his significant contributions to the civil engineering community and his personal devotion in the recruiting and training of future engineers.

"I traveled up the Central Coast to numerous harbors and ports with Steve," said District Commander Col. Kirk Gibbs. "His passion continues to burn after 40-plus years serving the District in numerous capacities."

Dwyer's recognition by MLAB makes him eligible for further recognition in the ASCE Los Angeles Section Awards.

"Great job Steve!  It is an honor to work with you," added Gibbs.