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Tag: Channel Islands Harbor
  • July

    Corps, Port of Hueneme celebrate completion of harbor-deepening project

    Representatives with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District, Port of Hueneme and the U.S. Navy, among other agencies, celebrated June 28 as officials cut the ribbon signifying the completion of the Port of Hueneme’s port-deepening project.
  • March

    Corps completes CI Harbor dredging

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District completed maintenance dredging at Channel Islands Harbor here Feb. 27 after beginning work in late December 2016.
  • October

    Channel Islands dredging begins

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District Deputy Engineer David Van Dorpe joined Rep. Julia Brownley and local officials here Oct. 14 to celebrate the start of maintenance dredging at Channel Islands Harbor that will replenish sand at nearby Silver Strand and Hueneme beaches.