[Letter Head – Agency eligible to request project]
Colonel Andrew J. Baker
Commander, Los Angeles District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
915 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90017
Dear Colonel Baker:
This letter requests that U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provide design [and/or] construction assistance under Section 595 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1999, as amended at [location].
Other items to include (These can assist in project prioritization)
Median Household Income of affected area
Environmental Justice Considerations
- Rural Community
- Financially Disadvantaged Community
- Economic Development Opportunity
- Congressional Support
- Public Health Considerations
Population of Benefited Users
Estimated Jobs Created
Source of non-Federal cost share
Location: Latitude: – Longitude:
We understand that if this project is federally funded, we are prepared to execute a project agreement for design [and/or] construction. As a local sponsor under the Section 595 program, we will be responsible for all costs to implement this project and we may be reimbursed for up to 75 percent of project design and construction costs. Our cost-share obligation can include provision of lands, easements, rights-of-way, relocations, and dredged material disposal areas required for the project. We intend to pursue budgetary actions so that funds are available to meet our cost sharing requirements. We understand that if a project is completed under this program, the [Sponsor Agency] will be 100 percent responsible for all operations and maintenance of the project.
The [Sponsor Agency] has designated [Name/phone number] as the point of contact for this project.