WINSLOW, Ariz. -- Col. Kirk Gibbs, commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District, hosted two public meetings June 9 on the Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement for the Little Colorado River in Navajo County, Arizona.
The DIFR evaluates several alternatives that reduce the risk of damages and reduce life, safety, and health risks caused by flooding of the LCR to the City of Winslow, surrounding community, and public and private infrastructure.
"Tonight's purpose is to present the results of our study, present the tentatively selected plan and gather questions or comments about all the alternative plans," said Gibbs. "This will enable us to reach an informed, final recommendation to our boss, the Chief of Engineers."
Alternatives include various combinations of structural and non-structural measures such as reconstructing portions of the existing Winslow Levee and Ruby Wash Diversion Levee, levee setbacks, construction of new levees, a flood warning system, elevation of residences, and river channel conveyance improvements.
In 2008, the Federal Emergency Management Agency de-accredited the Winslow Levee.
"As you are aware, based on the current FEMA Floodplain Map, most of the City of Winslow is within the 100-year flood plain," said Gibbs. "We, the Corps of Engineers, view this study and, ultimately, this project as critical."
The plan was developed using Engineering Circular 1165-2-214, that establishes an accountable, comprehensive, life-cycle review strategy for Civil Works projects.
"I'm so impressed with the support we've received from the Army Corps of Engineers and Navajo County," said Mayor Robin Boyd. "We couldn't do this by ourselves; this is a project that is way above our experience level and our financial level, to be able to repair this levee."
The DIFR is available for review and comment here. Provide public comments until July 18 at