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Tag: Interactive
  • June

    New Interactive Tools in Support USACE’s Recreation Areas

    Through the Natural Resources Management (NRM) support team, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) Institute for Water Resources (IWR) with the Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Environmental Lab have implemented new interactive Web tools to support USACE’s recreation areas in response to COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • May

    Annual dredging project no small task for district

    As far as dredging projects go, the one conducted from mid to late April at Oceanside Harbor seems pretty simple. “The project entails dredging sand out of the federal navigation channel at Oceanside Harbor and placing it on a downcoast beach,” said Scott John, the project manager. “Sand accretes naturally in the harbor entrance and it needs to be dredged out on an annual basis.”