OCEANSIDE, Calif. – As the process to maintain Oceanside Harbor’s entrance channel at its authorized federal depth begins anew, the few first days of the annual project have removed about 35,000 cubic yards of sand, Corps sources said today.
Manson Construction Company, the contractor conducting the operation, reported that dredging began the afternoon of Monday, April 17. Manson expects this first phase of dredging to continue through Friday, at which time they anticipate suspending operations because of sea conditions. Dredging is expected to resume next week.
The annual project is designed to maintain a channel depth of 20 feet to provide safe navigation for military, commercial and private vessels that call the port home.
As a benefit from the navigational dredging, the dredged sand is placed along Oceanside beaches, improving protection for homes and business along the coast and providing additional recreational space for the city’s visitors.
Manson is currently placing the sand immediately south of the San Luis Rey River. The Corps and the project’s local sponsor, the City of Oceanside, have identified several additional locations between the river and the Oceanside Pier where Manson will place the remaining sand from the channel, estimated to be in the range of 300,000 cubic yards.
During the short suspension, Manson will reposition its dredge HR Morris and assemble additional sections of pipe as the project moves south along the beach.
Release no. 17-009