News Release Manager

Archive: June, 2016
  • Dredging at Oceanside Harbor suspended through July 5

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced today that dredging at Oceanside Harbor will be suspended until July 5 to accommodate beachgoers celebrating the July Fourth holiday and because of the adverse effects of anticipated wave action on dredging operations.
  • Corps will host public meeting for two formerly used defense sites

    Since military munitions may still be present in the former training areas, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers encourages visitors to follow the 3Rs of Explosives Safety: Recognize that you may have encountered a munition and that munitions are dangerous; Retreat from the area without touching or picking up the item; and Report what you found to the Bureau of Land Management or local law enforcement.
  • Army Corps Reclassifies Whittier Narrows Dam Risk Characterization

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has changed Whittier Narrows Dam’s risk characterization from high urgency to very high urgency.
  • Army Corps of Engineers seeks public comments on proposal to renew and revise nationwide permits

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced today it is seeking comments on its proposal to renew and revise 50 nationwide permits for work in wetlands and other waters that are regulated by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. In addition, USACE is proposing to issue two new nationwide permits that pertain to authorizing the removal of low-head dams and the construction and maintenance of living shorelines.