News Release Manager

Archive: April, 2017
  • Oceanside Harbor dredging progressing

    As the process to maintain Oceanside Harbor’s entrance channel at its authorized federal depth begins anew, the few first days of the annual project have removed about 35,000 cubic yards of sand, Corps sources said today.
  • Oceanside Harbor navigation dredging begins

    The annual dredging of the entrance channel at Oceanside Harbor began Monday afternoon when the dredge HR Morris began pumping the first of up to 300,000 cubic yards that will maintain safe navigation for vessels and provide much-needed renourishment for the city’s shoreline.
  • Oceanside harbor dredging begins

    The annual Oceanside Harbor dredging project is underway, with Manson Construction Company having moved its equipment to the site and begun the process of assembling the pipeline that will transport material from the harbor’s entrance to points south along Oceanside’s beach. Dredging operations are scheduled to begin Monday, April 17.
  • Public hearing for Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway project

    The hearing was requested as a result of the public review period (December 7, 2016 through February 7, 2017) of a Public Notice announcing the Corps’ consideration of a permit application under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act for proposed discharges in Waters of the United States associated with the project.