News Release Manager

Alamo Dam increases release

Published April 2, 2020

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District is making higher-than-normal releases from Alamo Dam to bring the water surface elevation of Alamo Lake back to its target elevation, since an initial large inflow began March 13.

The Corps initiated higher releases March 17, beginning at a rate of 500 cubic feet per second.

A subsequent storm the following week caused the water surface elevation to rise, which is now at about 1,138 feet -- 13 feet over the target operating elevation of 1125 feet. 

A higher release rate up to as much as 850 cubic feet per second has been coordinated with impacted downstream entities in an effort to draw the water surface down to the target elevation.

Higher than normal releases are expected to continue into mid-summer.  Starting April 1, releases increased from 500 to 750 cubic feet per second. Releases of 750 cubic feet per second will continue for at least the next week.

As the water surface approaches its target elevation, base flow releases of 25 cubic feet per second will resume.

We will provide another notice prior to increasing the release above 750 cubic feet per second.

You can monitor lake elevation @ and here.

Dave Palmer
213.479.6913 (cell)

Release no. 20-031