LOS ANGELES –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District today elected to withdraw a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit application for the proposed Gregory Canyon landfill project located approximately three miles east of Interstate 15, along the San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, Calif. The project proposed by Gregory Canyon, Ltd., involved the operation of a 30-million ton solid waste facility which would impact jurisdictional waters of the United States.
The Corps Regulatory Program evaluates permit applications for most construction activities in the nation’s lakes, rivers, streams, oceans and wetlands. Federal regulations for issuing a permit under Clean Water Act require the applicant “to pursue the project that is the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative and is not contrary to the public interest,” according to David Castanon, chief of the district’s Regulatory Division.
In order to make that determination, the Corps relies on the applicant to provide the information or the resources necessary to evaluate the proposed action. Due to the complexity associated with this application, the Corps, with the support of the applicants, published a draft Environmental Impact Statement in December 2012. However, since the release of the draft Environmental Impact Statement, Gregory Canyon, Ltd., has not provided the necessary additional resources and information essential for the Corps to complete its evaluation and make an informed a permit decision.
“The Corps is not making a decision at this time as we do not have the information we need to conclude the analysis," said Castanon. The Corps is withdrawing the permit request as per their Standard Operating Procedures.
Should an applicant whose permit has been withdrawn choose to continue the permit evaluation process, the applicant may re-submit an application package, including updated technical information for the Corps’ consideration.
Regulatory Program Goals:
To provide strong protection of the nation's aquatic environment, including wetlands.
To ensure that the Corps provides the regulated public with fair and reasonable decisions.
To enhance the efficiency of the Corps’ administration of its regulatory program.