LOS ANGELES – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District today released the draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment for the Sepulveda Basin Vegetation Management Plan for public review and comment.
The public comment period will officially run from April 19 to May 19. The public is invited to provide comments on the draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment to: kenneth.wong@usace.army.mil.
A copy of the draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment is available on the District's website at http://go.usa.gov/czzp5.
The approximately 48‐acre area between Burbank Boulevard and Sepulveda Dam is designated as a Vegetation Management Area, pursuant to the Sepulveda Dam Basin Master Plan. The presence of native and non‐native vegetation within the area over time has resulted in use of the area for recreation, such as nature walks and bird watching.
Managing vegetation in support of dam operations or public safety affects the existing vegetation in the area, a valued resource for recreational users of the area. A need exists to better balance vegetation management for dam operations and public safety, while maintaining a sufficient vegetation cover in the 48‐acre area.
The purpose of the proposed action is to adopt a new vegetation management plan that would balance vegetation maintenance needs with recreational services and biological functions provided by the existing vegetation cover.
The EA characterizes the existing environmental conditions within the Proposed Action Area and evaluates potential environmental effects of the action alternatives as well as the No Action Alternative.
The Sepulveda Dam and Basin is a federally authorized flood risk management project constructed, operated and maintained by the Corps’ Los Angeles District, with a primary purpose to provide flood risk management for the residents of Los Angeles County residing downstream of the dam.
Release no. 16-009