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Corps and Orange County to host public scoping meeting for Prado project

Published Nov. 26, 2012
LOS ANGELES--The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District and Orange County Water District will jointly host a public scoping meeting for a multi-faceted project to restore environmental resources and conserve water within Prado Basin and downstream of Prado Dam to be held at the Inland Empire Utilities Agency Events Center Wednesday, Nov. 28, from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  The IEUA Events Center is located at 6075 Kimball Ave., Chino, Calif.

This effort will focus on restoring aquatic, wetland and riparian habitats for native fish and wildlife species, conserving water and resolving issues related to the alteration of the natural sediment transport regime along the Santa Ana River.

Affected federal, state and local resource agencies, Native American groups and concerned interest groups/individuals are encouraged to participate in the scoping process.  Public participation is critical in defining the scope of analysis in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Iimpact Report, identifying significant environmental issues and opportunities, providing useful information and recommending mitigation measures to offset potential impacts from proposed actions.

Individuals and agencies may offer information or data relevant to the environmental or socio-economic impacts of the proposed project; submit comments and suggestions; or request to be placed on the mailing list for announcements by sending correspondence to: Christopher T. Jones, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, Ecosystem Planning Section, CESPL-PD-RN, P.O. Box 532711, Los Angeles, CA  90053-2325.  Comments may also be sent via email to:
Christopher T. Jones

Release no. 12-019