News Release Manager

Tag: Public Meeting
  • Corps to release draft report on ecosystem restoration plan for East San Pedro Bay

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District is preparing to release a draft report recommending restoration of aquatic habitat within East San Pedro Bay. The report identifies a Tentatively Selected Plan, which would be the Corps’ first open-ocean ecosystem restoration project in the nation. The plan would provide near-shore and off-shore rocky reefs, kelp reefs and eelgrass beds, and is referred to as the Reef Restoration Plan.
  • Corps preparing draft report release on ecosystem restoration plan for East San Pedro Bay

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District is preparing to release a draft report recommending restoration of aquatic habitat within East San Pedro Bay. The City of Long Beach is the local sponsor.
  • Public hearing for Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway project

    The hearing was requested as a result of the public review period (December 7, 2016 through February 7, 2017) of a Public Notice announcing the Corps’ consideration of a permit application under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act for proposed discharges in Waters of the United States associated with the project.
  • Army Corps will host public meeting on Santa Ana River habitat restoration

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will host a second public meeting at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 28 at the Norco City Hall, 2820 Clark Avenue, Norco, 92860, to discuss habitat restoration efforts upstream of the Prado Dam.
  • Corps releases Encinitas-Solana Beach draft environmental study for public review

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District today released for public review environmental draft documents for the proposed Encinitas-Solana Beach coastal storm damage reduction project. The Corps will hold a public hearing in each city in February 2013. The public has until Feb. 26, 2013 to provide comments.