News Release Manager

  • Army Corps of Engineers modifying operations at recreation areas due to Coronavirus

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced today that it has begun the orderly shutdown of all USACE-managed campgrounds to protect against the further spread of coronavirus disease 2019. Visitor centers, beaches, special events, and USACE-sponsored events such as shore sweeps, interpretive programs, Kids to Parks Day, Earth Day events, public meetings and other public gatherings at all USACE-managed sites and facilities have also been closed and/or put on hold until further notice.  
  • Alamo Lake passes target water surface elevation

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District will begin operations to bring the water surface elevation of Alamo Lake back to its target elevation.
  • Corps releases fiscal year 2020 work plan

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers delivered its Fiscal Year 2020 Work Plan to Congress for the Army Civil Works program Feb. 10.
  • Corps to dredge portion of federal channel in Southern San Diego Bay

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District, in coordination with the Port of San Diego, will perform maintenance dredging in a portion of the federal channel at the southern end of San Diego Bay beginning mid-February. The purpose of the work is to re-establish authorized channel depths of -35 Mean Lower Low Water, or MLLW. The channel hasn’t been dredged since 1976.
  • Alamo Dam sill replacement - Delayed

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District has scheduled the Alamo Dam sill repair from Feb. 13 - 28. Site mobilization is Feb. 10 - 12. Some restrictions will be in place.
  • Corps operates Sepulveda Dam during rain storms

    Sepulveda Dam is the western-most of the Corps of Engineers’ dams operated by the Los Angeles District in the Los Angeles County Drainage Area flood control system. The purpose of the project is to collect flood runoff from the uncontrolled drainage areas upstream, store it temporarily and release it into the Los Angeles River at a rate that does not exceed the downstream channel capacity.
  • Whittier Narrows dam modification study complete, moves into design phase

    A highly anticipated modification study of a Southern California dam has been finalized by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is now in the project’s design phase. The Whittier Narrows Dam Safety Modification Study was completed in June 2019 and approved by the Corps’ Headquarters in August. The design phase of the project began in October.
  • Corps to release draft report on ecosystem restoration plan for East San Pedro Bay

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District is preparing to release a draft report recommending restoration of aquatic habitat within East San Pedro Bay. The report identifies a Tentatively Selected Plan, which would be the Corps’ first open-ocean ecosystem restoration project in the nation. The plan would provide near-shore and off-shore rocky reefs, kelp reefs and eelgrass beds, and is referred to as the Reef Restoration Plan.
  • Corps preparing draft report release on ecosystem restoration plan for East San Pedro Bay

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District is preparing to release a draft report recommending restoration of aquatic habitat within East San Pedro Bay. The City of Long Beach is the local sponsor.
  • Army Corps reclassifies Mojave River Dam risk characterization

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has changed Mojave River Dam’s risk characterization from low to high urgency of action. The change was the result of recent risk assessment findings that during an extreme flood event, water could exceed the design capacity of the dam and overtop it. This could potentially result in dam failure, flooding the communities of Hesperia, Apple Valley, Victorville and Barstow, located adjacent to the Mojave River. Flood waters also could reach Baker, more than 140 miles downstream of the dam.