Project/Program Permitting

Any person, company or agency planning to conduct certain activities in waters of the United States, or dump or place dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, must first obtain a permit from the Corps of Engineers. Permits, licenses, variances or similar authorization may also be required by other federal, state and local statutes.

Individual Permits are issued after following a full public interest review of an individual application for a Department of the Army permit. A public notice is distributed to interested parties and comments are solicited. After evaluating the comments and information received, the Corps makes a decision to issue or deny a permit based on compliance with its regulations and other laws, as well as a determination that the activity is not contrary to the public interest.

Letters of Permission can be issued following an abbreviated review procedure involving the review of the application for a Department of the Army permit by interested agencies. After evaluating all comments and information received, a final decision is made. If any of the agencies object, an individual permit will be required. Like individual permits, a permit is only granted if the activities are found to not be contrary to the public interest.


Information for Particular Projects/Programs

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 Ballona Wetlands Restoration
 Flood Risk Management Project Delivery Team
 Gregory Canyon Landfill
 Lone Star Ore Body Development Project
    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District (Corps) is examining the environmental consequences associated with Freeport-McMoRan Safford Inc.’s (FMSI) application for a Department of the Army permit under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act for the proposed development of the mineral resources associated with the Lone Star ore body for the purpose of producing copper. The proposed development would consist of  the construction of mining facilities, including an open pit mine and attendant development rock stockpiles and heap leach facilities, which will allow continued mining at the Safford Mine Facility using conventional open-pit mining, heap leaching techniques, and solution extraction/electrowinning (SX/EW) processing, and utilizing as much of the existing Safford Mine Facility infrastructure and processing facilities as practicable. The construction of the proposed facilities would discharge fill materials into approximately 90.27 acres of waters of the United States.
 Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway
 Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan - Large Multi-Phased Residential Development Project

On 15 December 2003, The Newhall Land and Farming Company applied to the USACE for a Department of the Army Standard Individual Permit (SIP), pursuant to section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 U.S.C. 1344) to permanently impact 93.3 acres, including 20.5 acres of wetlands, and temporarily impact 33.3 acres of waters of the United States for the construction and maintenance of flood control facilities, roads, utilities, infrastructure and other components associated with the proposed Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan (RMDP) near the city of Santa Clarita, northwestern Los Angeles County, California.  The RMDP component of the Newhall Ranch Specific Plan would facilitate a broad range of residential, mixed-use, commercial and industrial land uses, various public facilities, and public services and utilities, together with preservation of large tracts of open space. At build-out, the proposed project would result in approximately 2,550 acres of residential uses (9,081 single-family homes on 1,559 acres, and 11,804 multi-family homes on 991 acres), 5.5 million square feet (msf) of commercial uses on 258 acres; and the development of approximately 643 acres devoted to public facilities such as community parks, neighborhood parks, golf course, community lake, new elementary, junior high and high schools, library, electrical substation, fire stations, and a 6.8 million gallon-per- day water reclamation plant (WRP).


Draft Alternatives Analysis

Draft Conformity Analysis

Final Conformity Analysis

Final 404(b)(1) Guidelines Evaluation


Public Notice - Draft EIS/EIR

Public Notice - Record of Decision

Provisional Permit Letter

Public Notice - Extension

Record of Decision

USEPA Elevation Recission


 Port of Long Beach
 Port of Los Angeles


Berths 212-224 YTI Container Terminal Improvement Project

San Pedro Waterfront (formerly Bridge to Breakwater)


Pier 400 Crude Oil Marine Terminal


TraPac Project


China Shipping Berths 97-109 ContainerTerminal Improvements Project


Berths 302-306 (APL) Container Terminal Project


Public Notices


WRDA Funded Permit Decisions



 Ray Mine Tailings Storage Facility

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District (Corps) received an application for a permit under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.  Asarco LLC, the applicant is proposing to construct, operate, and close a tailings storage facility to support continuing copper mining activities at the Ray Mine Complex in eastern Pinal County, Arizona.  The facility would accommodate tailings that would be collected at the mine, transported via a tailings delivery pipeline, and deposited in slurry form at a discharge point east of Ripsey Wash, an ephemeral wash that is a tributary to the Gila River.  The facility footprint is estimated at 2,574 acres and currently has an elevational range of approximately 1,800 to 2,400 feet above mean sea level.  The facility is designed for an overall storage capacity of about 750 million tons of tailings and embankment materials with a final crest elevation of 2,440 feet. The proposed facility would be built with centerline and upstream construction methods.  If approved as proposed by the applicant, the project would result in direct impacts to approximately 130 acres of waters of the U.S. and would indirectly impact an additional 4 acres (approximately) of waters of the U.S. from dewatering.  The Corps has prepared an environmental impact statement to assess the environmental effects associated with this action.


Record of Decision

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Public Notice for the Ray Mine Tailings Storage Facility EIS

Notice Of Intent for the Ray Mine Tailings Storage Facility EIS

EIS Scoping Summary Report


 Rosemont Open Pit Copper Mine - Augusta Resource

Rosemont Copper Company, a subsidiary of Augusta Resource Corporation, proposes to produce 234 million pounds of copper, 4.5 million pounds of molybdenum, and 2.7 million ounces of silver annually over a 20-year mining period at the proposed project site. The site is located on 995 acres of privately-owned land and 3,670 acres of public lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) as Coronado National Forest in the Barrel Canyon watershed, Pima County, AZ. The proposed project consists of a single 900-acre pit with an additional +3,200 acres used for a tailings facility, a waste rock dump, infrastructure, administrative buildings, etc. The Rosemont Copper Project would, through the discharge of dredged/fill material, directly impact 40 acres of waters of the U.S. (WUS) and indirectly impact 28.8 ac of WUS. The proposed project will involve the construction and operation of various mine features, associated structures, and anticipated infrastructure necessary to support these facilities. A public notice was issued by the Corps on December 6, 2012. The USFS issued a Final Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)/Draft Record of Decision (ROD) on December 13, 2013. The USFS final ROD is anticipated in May, 2014 after which time the Corps will complete its permit decision.


Fact Sheet

Public Notice

28 Feb Mitigation Letter

 Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP)

The Corps has proposed to establish alternative permitting procedures, specifically Letter of Permission procedures, associated with the State of California’s Salton Sea Management Plan 10-year Plan (SSMP 10-Year Plan) and a draft environmental assessment document. This Special Public Notice concerns the proposal to undertake the process to establish new LOP procedures, pursuant to 33 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) section 325.2(e), which allows the Corps to establish such alternative permitting procedures to address anticipated discharges of dredged and fill material into waters of the United States (U.S.). Specifically, by undertaking the process to establish new LOP procedures for the SSMP 10-year Plan projects, the Corps in coordination with other federal and state agencies and with notice to potentially interested parties, may evaluate the suite of proposed activities more effectively than would be afforded by review on a case-by-case basis. If established, LOP procedures would allow the Corps to authorize SSMP-related activities that would discharge dredged or fill material into waters of the U.S., as regulated under section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The environmental assessment evaluates the proposed actions of six Federal associated with the SSMP 10-Year Plan.

The SSMP 10-year Plan Project Description/Proposed Action proposes to implement 29,800 acres of habitat restoration and dust suppression projects on lakebed areas that have been, or will be, exposed at the Salton Sea by the year 2028. At least 14,900 acres of projects permitted under the SSMP 10-year Plan would be aquatic habitat restoration projects that convert exposed lakebed areas either to pond habitat suitable for fish and wildlife, or to wetland habitats. While all the aquatic habitat projects would suppress dust, their primary function would be to provide habitat for fish and wildlife. Dust suppression projects may also have habitat benefits by establishing vegetation or creating freshwater wetlands on exposed areas, but they would be designed primarily to suppress fugitive dust emissions for improved air quality. Likewise, the SSMP 10-year Plan provides for multiple benefit projects that combine dust suppression with habitat restoration to the extent practicable.

Traducción Española

El Cuerpo ha recibido una solicitud del Estado de California para establecer procedimientos de permisos alternativos, específicamente procedimientos de Carta de Permiso (LOP, por sus siglas en inglés), asociados con el plan decenal del Programa de manejo del mar de Salton (SSMP, por sus siglas en inglés) . Éste Aviso Público Especial es para la propuesta de emprender el proceso para establecer nuevos procedimientos de LOP, de acuerdo con la sección 325.2(e) del Código de Regulaciones Federales (CFR, por sus siglas en inglés) 33, que permite al Cuerpo establecer procedimientos alternativos para abordar las descargas de materiales dentro de las aguas de los Estados Unidos (EE. UU.). Específicamente, al emprender el proceso para establecer nuevos procedimientos de LOP para los proyectos del plan decenal del SSMP, el Cuerpo en coordinación con otras agencias federales y estatales y con notificación a las partes potencialmente interesadas, puede evaluar en conjunto las actividades propuestas más eficazmente de lo que se obtendría mediante una revisión de caso por caso. Si se establecen, los procedimientos de LOP permitirían al Cuerpo autorizar actividades relacionadas con el SSMP que descargarían materiales dentro de las aguas territoriales de los EE. UU., según lo regulado en la sección 404 de la Ley de Agua Limpia (CWA, por sus siglas en inglés). La evaluación ambiental examina las medidas propuestas por seis agencias federales asociadas con el plan decenal del SSMP.

La descripción del plan decenal del SSMP/la acción propuesta propone implementar 29,800 acres de proyectos de restauración de hábitat y supresión de polvo en los lechos del lago que han estado o estarán expuestas en el mar de Salton para el año 2028. Al menos 14,900 acres de proyectos autorizados bajo el plan decenal del SSMP serian proyectos de restauración de hábitats acuáticos que convertirían áreas del lecho de lago que están expuestas en hábitats de estanques adecuados para peces y vida silvestre, o en hábitat de humedales. Aunque todos los proyectos de hábitat acuático suprimirían el polvo, su función principal sería proporcionar un hábitat para los peces y la vida silvestre. Los proyectos de supresión de polvo también pueden tener beneficios para el hábitat al establecer vegetación o crear humedales de agua dulce en áreas expuestas, pero estarían diseñados principalmente para suprimir las emisiones de polvo para mejorar la calidad del aire. Asimismo, el plan decenal del SSMP prevé múltiples proyectos de beneficios que combinan la supresión del polvo con la restauración del hábitat en la medida de lo posible.

Documents / Documentos:

 Southern California Dredged Material Management Team (SC-DMMT)

Southern California Dredged Material Management Team (SC-DMMT): Interagency team for coordinated review of dredging projects and policy issues within the Southern California area (San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, and parts of San Luis Obispo Counties).

Regionally-Developed Sampling and Analysis Plan/Results Guidelines​ July 2021
SAP/R Excel Results Table template
SC-DMMT overview presentation for CSMW joint meeting 26 June 2012
SC-DMMT coordination-principles 28 Jan 2010

Meeting Notes:

Meeting Minutes - March 27, 2024
Meeting Minutes - March 13, 2024
Meeting Minutes - February 28, 2024
Meeting Minutes - January 24, 2024

Meeting Minutes - December 8, 2023
Meeting Minutes - October 25, 2023
Meeting Minutes - September 27, 2023
Meeting Minutes - August 23, 2023
Meeting Minutes - August 17, 2023
Meeting Minutes - July 26, 2023
Meeting Minutes - June 28, 2023
Meeting Minutes - May 24, 2023
Meeting Minutes - April 26, 2023
Meeting Minutes - March 22, 2023

Meeting Minutes - June 22, 2022
Meeting Minutes May 2022
Meeting Minutes April 2022
Meeting Minutes March 2022
Meeting Minutes February 2022
Meeting Minutes January 2022

Meeting Minutes December 2021
Meeting Minutes October 2021
Meeting Minutes September 2021
Meeting Minutes August 2021
Meeting Minutes July 2021
Meeting Minutes June 2021
Meeting Minutes May 2021
Meeting Minutes April 2021
Meeting Minutes February 2021

Meeting Minutes December 2020
Meeting Minutes October 2020
Meeting Minutes September 2020
Meeting Minutes July 2020
Meeting Minutes May 2020
Meeting Minutes April 2020
Meeting Minutes March 2020
Meeting Minutes February 2020

Meeting Minutes August 2019
Meeting Minutes July 2019
Meeting Minutes February 2019

Meeting Minutes November 2018
Meeting Minutes September 2018
Meeting Minutes July 2018
Meeting Minutes June 2018
Meeting Minutes May 2018
Meeting Minutes April 2018
Meeting Minutes March 2018
Meeting Minutes January 2018

Meeting Minutes October 2017
Meeting Minutes September 2017
Meeting Minutes August 2017
Meeting Minutes July 2017
Meeting Minutes June 2017
Meeting Minutes May 2017
Meeting Minutes April 2017
Meeting Minutes March 2017
Meeting Minutes February 2017
Meeting Minutes January 2017

Meeting Minutes December 2016
Meeting Minutes October 2016
Meeting Minutes September 2016
Meeting Minutes August 2016
Meeting Minutes June 2016
Meeting Minutes March 2016
Meeting Minutes February 2016
Meeting Minutes January 2016

Meeting Minutes December 2015

Meeting Minutes October 2015
Meeting Minutes September 2015
Meeting Minutes August 2015
Meeting Minutes July 2015
Meeting Minutes June 2015
Meeting Minutes April 2015
Meeting Minutes March 2015
Meeting Minutes January 2015

Meeting Minutes September 2014
Meeting Minutes July 2014
Meeting Minutes May 2014
Meeting Minutes April 2014
Meeting Minutes March 2014
Meeting Minutes February 2014
Meeting Minutes January 2014

Meeting Minutes November 2013
Meeting Minutes September 2013
Meeting Minutes July 2013
Meeting Minutes June 2013
Meeting Minutes May 2013
Meeting Minutes April 2013
Meeting Minutes March 2013
Meeting Minutes February 2013
Meeting Minutes January 2013

Meeting Minutes November 2012
Meeting Minutes October 2012
Meeting Minutes September 2012
Meeting Minutes August 2012
Meeting Minutes July 2012
Meeting Minutes June 2012
Meeting Minutes May 2012
Meeting Minutes April 2012
Meeting Minutes March 2012
Meeting Minutes February 2012
Meeting Minutes January 2012

Meeting Minutes November 2011
Meeting Minutes September 2011
Meeting Minutes August 2011
Meeting Minutes July 2011
Meeting Minutes June 2011
Meeting Minutes May 2011
Meeting Minutes April 2011
Meeting Minutes March 2011
Meeting Minutes February 2011
Meeting Minutes January 2011

Meeting Minutes December 2010
Meeting Minutes October 2010
Meeting Minutes September 2010
Meeting Minutes August 2010
Meeting Minutes July 2010
Meeting Minutes June 2010
Meeting Minutes May 2010
Meeting Minutes April 2010
Meeting Minutes March 2010
Meeting Minutes January 2010

Meeting Minutes December 2009
Meeting Minutes October 2009
Meeting Minutes September 2009
Meeting Minutes August 2009
Meeting Minutes July 2009
Meeting Minutes June 2009
Meeting Minutes May 2009
Meeting Minutes April 2009
Meeting Minutes January 2009

Meeting Minutes December 2008
Meeting Minutes October 2008
Meeting Minutes September 2008
Meeting Minutes June 2008
Meeting Minutes April 2008
 Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) Watersheds

The Regulatory Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District developed Special Area Management Plans (SAMPs) for the San Diego Creek and San Juan Creek/Western San Mateo Creek Watersheds in Orange County, Santa Margarita and San Jacinto Watersheds in Riverside County, and Otay Watershed in San Diego County. The purpose of the SAMPs was to develop and implement watershed-wide aquatic resource management plans and implementation programs, which include preservation, enhancement, and restoration of aquatic resources, while allowing reasonable and responsible economic development and activities within the watershed-wide study area. Seven studies completed by the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) used geospatial analysis of landscape-scale data to delineate aquatic resources using a unique planning level delineation procedure, generate a baseline assessment of riparian ecosystem integrity, and develop planning tools using the baseline assessment that identified riparian restoration opportunities within the Santa Margarita, San Jacinto, and Otay Watersheds. Final reports documenting the results of these analyses are provided below.

For more information about research and permitting requirements for the SAMP watersheds, click here.

 Thousand Palms Flood Control Project

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Los Angeles District (federal lead agency) and the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) (California lead agency) are preparing this joint EIR/EIS to analyze the potential impacts of constructing and maintaining a flood control project within the Thousand Palms community in Riverside County, California. The Corps is evaluating the impacts associated with the potential issuance of a Department of the Army permit to allow the discharge of fill to jurisdictional waters of the U.S. CVWD has applied to the Corps for this permit to allow them to implement their project.

The draft EIR/EIS files for the Thousand Palms Flood Control Project are provided below:

The final EIR/EIS files for the Thousand Palms Flood Control Project are provided below: